Music baby! Back at DJ'in for a little over a year now & shit is startin' to come around again, but still mis a little routine though. Well, all in good time, my time...
Besides that, art. Well, not just any art, but the combination of beauty & skill. Modern art these days... it 's got nice concepts & ideas, I 'll admit that much. But to me, it often lacks any trace of skill. Well, I like art the 'old' way. Anyone can wrap a pilar in some bacon, offend people as it rottin' away in plane sight & call it art... Well, to me, it ain't. It's bullshit, no matter wether the message is clear or not. Art shouldn't always have a message, but at least some beauty & definatly skill. Oh yeah, shoes, most definatly shoes... (look, I'm even in touch with my feminin side ;) )
You @...
Hip Hop Hooray, booooy! And anything remotly related.
But to quote the mighty Method Man:
'Lyrics have no dresscode. From KRS to Depeche Mode, they drop 'm so cool u catch cold.'. So, almost anything can go, from time to time.
Whatever... as long as it 's a little entertaining & not to crappy it 'll do. Don't really care that much 'bout film.
Don't really see a lot of television. Too busy doin' more interesting things (in my opinion, that would be). Allthough, I do like Family Guy, The Simpsons, Futurama & Heroes... Yep, I 'm just a big kid... So? ;)
Fantasy. Don't read all that much but I am a fan of Robert Jordan 's 'Wheel of Time'. Anyone happens to know when the next book would be comin'? Is it still comin'?!
NB: Well, as I recently learned, the poor man fell victim to his disease. So, it looks like I 'll never know how the story was to end... too bad, but such is life. RIP Robert...
Well... first of all, my family. My father, mother & brother. U guys mean the world to me. Secondly my homies. The real ones, they know who they are. I owe y' all, big time! Massive big up to all o' y' all. Thanx fo' being the peeps you are.!!