food, eating, sleeping, pillow fights, pepper on everything, dancing
Scott from Creed: nothing gets me going like a leather-wrapped sugar daddy with a husky voice!!! i pee my pants thinking of his sultry good looks and luscious locks. Me at age 3: why? bc im flippin awesome! Kurt Cobain, John Jilly (i made that name up but if there is a real John Jilly...well, lets be friends). Finally...I want to meet Judy Fraser because she's a hero of mine and I look up to her in all ways. She "exudes" sophistication and has a sense of fashion like no other...maybe Joan Rivers. Wait a tick...Judy Fraser is my enemy!!! Seriously, can one person have anymore plastic surgery? and how hard is it to "forecast" the weather? the answer - NOT THAT HARD! Kous-Kous could do much better and he's a 4 year old down-syndrome polynesian made of cardboard! ive taken weather class with Ed so i know what im talking about. and hootie hoo day? cmon judy, ill hootie hoo you. by the way, why dont you wear sunglasses indoors? oh wait, you do! judy, lemme clue you in on a little dont need to "hide" behind sunglasses bc you arent a real celebrity...nobody likes you and nobody cares that youre on the LOCAL news. And do me a favor...quit shopping at every place i work!!!ps judy is a terrible golfer with fat calves
sublime and la bouche TECHNO
Dumb and Dumber
SOUTH PARK, OC, most extreme elimination challenge
2 words: KAMA SUTRA
Jack Daniels