REY-LRM profile picture


In Heaven Everything Is Fine

About Me

Music is Life. Movies are a close 2nd. I play the guitar, bass, drums, piano (I'll try any instrument I can get my hand on.) I am in the process of writing songs, skits, and coming up with movie ideas (mainly horror). I'm an easy going person.

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My Interests

Music. Movies. Books(Religion, UFO's, the paranormal)

I'd like to meet:



Pixies- Radiohead- The Beatles- Smashing Pumpkins- Led Zeppelin- The Doors- Queen- Eric Clapton-Robert Johnson- Daniel Johnston- The Ramones- The Sex Pistols- ZZTop- Project 86- mewithoutYou- MxPx- Ninety Pound Wuss- Suffering and the Hideous Thieves- Raft of Dead Monkeys- Many more..... width="425" height="350" ...... width="425" height="350" ....
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Ghost World- Evil Dead 1/2- Army of Darkness- Night of the Living Dead (original and remake)- Dawn of the Dead (original and remake)- Day of the Dead (original)- Land of the Dead- Return of the Living Dead 1/2- Star Wars (all)- Clerks 1-2- Mallrats- Chasing Amy- Dogma- Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back- Mel Brooks Movies- Reanimator- Slither- Friday the 13th- Nigtmare on Elm Street- Eli Roth Movies- Quentin Tarantino Movies- Robert Rodriguez Movies- Many more...


Seinfeld, The Office, Arrested Development, Chappelle Show, Southpark, Family Guy, American Dad, Upright Citizens Brigade, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Newsradio, Futurama


Bible, Gnostic Bible, Mere Christianity, An Infidel Manifesto: Why Sincere Believers Lose Faith, God Delusion, I Am Legend, Neverwhere, The Da Vinci Code, Dante's Inferno, Edgar Allen Poe Poetry, Hell House...


Jesus and Batman

My Blog

Wizard World Convention 2006

I'M BACK BABY! Well I'm back from the convetion and it was o.k., it could have been alot better. There was a lot of sweet comics, i bought a few my fav was my "Death of Superman" still in it's origi...
Posted by rEy on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 06:20:00 PST