My page is as exclusive. You won't find 10,000 people here. You won't find just anybody. If you find somebody here it is because they are somebody special or unique or levels above commonplace. The most beautiful people, the most talented photogaphers, the nicest places and people with special talents and abilities.I am a singer, a stuntwoman for movies and TV, a body double, a model, a free spirit, a licensed pilot, a flirt, a temptress, a trouble maker, a lover, a lady, a tramp, and I have a trust fund. If you cannot deal with it then just find somebody else in the hundreds of millions of people on myspace.I had my past career in modelling and now I do other things.This page is to keep in contact with some of my friends but also here to promote my friends rather than promote myself. I had my day and now this page is here to help my friends and to have other people see them.This page will only have 250 friends at the most. They will be who I feel are the 250 best looking, best photos, most interesting, most fun, most attitide, and most captivating people on myspace. I will rotate the people in my top friends list on a fairly regular basis. Once I get to 250 people if I get another friend request I will start deleting people. The reason for being deleted may be one of many but if somebody has more of the points above than somebody that was already here then they will take your place. If somebody has better quality photos from a better photographer then they will take your place. I am very picky and as you can already see it is not easy to get on this page! If you have somebody that you think would be a great add here just have them send me a friend invite.I live on each side of the USA. I have a place in Malibu north of Cross Creek / Malibu Canyon Road and a place in East Manhattan somewhere around 91st street and that is about as detailed as I will get here. I go back and forth. In New York I primarily do singing and voice over work, a bit of modelling at times for some of the people that used to hire me, and a lot of shopping. In the summers I put on a few parties and will post these on my blog or bulletin them to everybody. Anybody that is on my page here is invited. I also travel fairly often and it is generally on charter flights or I fly myself. I will also put this information on my blog and if you want a ride to and from where I am going I would be more than happy to help you out with a free ride. In New York I have room for four people if you need a place to stay and in California I also have room for four. In each place there are two spare bedrooms.
I was one of the two founding partners of Saunders Stewart Models . I left SSM as a primary owner when I relocated my life 1/2 the time to New York. There are a number of people here on myspace that are at SSM currently. I was born too late. I missed the sixties and think of myself as somebody that must have been a reincarnation from that time. Maybe it was somebody that died young and never got the chance to finish what they started. Don't picture me on a commune as a hippie living day to day on handouts or eating leftovers. Don't picture me as a Yoga spirit that is at peace with nature. Don't picture me romping through nature and the forest. Don't picture me in the free food handout kitchens passing out food in the sixties to some of the hippies. That would not have been me at all. Nice restaurants, nice hotels, nice parties, fun times and wild times. Backstage with The Jefferson Airplane or with Janis, Jim Morrison, or The Electric Flag. Picture me more of a sixties version of a Paris Hilton if I lived back then. I am not trying to promote myself here. I am trying to help my friends promote themselves. If you want pictures of me then you will need to take them yourself. I worked hard to build my model portfolio and I have no desire to give them away for nothing to somebody that I will probably never sit down with for a glass of wine or espresso. One of my pictures is one of the finest hotels in Monte Carlo. Some day I plan to live in Monaco. One of my others pictures is an emerald necklace that describes me in jewerly - the main stones are uncut yet the remainder of the piece is refined. The photos I will have up will be of the finer things in life. My main reason for being here is to keep in touch with friends that are on here.