Jann O))) profile picture

Jann O)))

I am here for Friends

About Me

i pretty much chill and go on cool nature trails and play video games and talk about intelligence and knowledge and politics but also cool stuff like sharks and sociology, i used to hang out with my gf a lot but then she moved to ohio, i love my little brother who passed away this year and he was the raddest dude ever and well chill again someday

My Wii Number is 3882-9896-5096-0101 So send me a message!
More importantly, XBOX LIVE: Frozen Dirt

Bands I'm in: Suburban Showdown, Kloakkuvaer, Dispel, Herbgrinder, xLINESx, Bearcharge, Surf Phantoms, Disbong, Attack Punx, DJ Jann O)))

AIM- DeathpunxLegion


My Interests

i like the simple things in life like love passion and knowledge

I'd like to meet:

free beer, chicks with braces


Substance Abuse: Boris, Sunn O))), Orange Goblin, Sleep, Electric Wizard, Baroness, Michio Kurihara, Doomriders, dot (.), Earth, most Southern Lord shit, most Relapse shit, Acid Mothers Temple & friends, Jesu, Weedeater, Noothgrush, Pelican, Bongzilla, Mogwai, Melvins, Sabbath, Neurosis, Om, Red Sparowes, Quicksilver Messanger Service, 70s era Grateful Dead and all their side projects

Punx: Spazz, Dropdead, Charles Bronson, Municipal Waste, E.N.T., Terrorizer, Napalm Death, Witch Hunt, Subhumans, GISM, Dwarves, Nausea, Amebix, Dystopia, Tragedy, Toy Dolls, Septic Death, R.A.M.B.O, AcxDC, Propagandhi, Gogol Bordello, Gloom, Gerry Atric, Descendents, Battle of Disarm, Dis-anything

Hip Hop: 7L & Eso, Apathy, Celph Titled, Louis Logic, iCON the mic king, Jus Allah, Main Flow, Ice Cube, Ghostface, Formulatin' Fathers, MF DOOM, Geedorah, Viktor Vaughn, GZA, Canibus, Demigodz, Guttamouf, Immortal Technique, Outerspace, Jedi Mind, Majik Most, Dutchmassive, RZA, Motive, Emirc, Bo$$ Hog Barbarians, Reef, A.o.t.P., J-Zone, Ill Bill, La Coka Nostra,




i only play video games


Star Wars novels, Resident Evil novels, 1984, Sociology textbooks, books about bloodfighting, crazy religions and rad drugs


My Blog

KRS-ONE sets shit straight

KRS-One Higher Level lyricsVerse One:After seven years of rockin'How do you rate me?Poorly or greatly?Everybody seems to be goin' for their's latelyYo mad heads be needin' moneySo listen very close as...
Posted by Jann O))) on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 10:58:00 PST

Bush Administration Takes Aim at Wolves

Bush Decision Jeopardizes Wolves, Thwarts Will of AmericansLegal action means fight not over to protect iconic animal, says NRDC Action FundNew York (February 21, 2008)  The Bush administration has t...
Posted by Jann O))) on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 09:41:00 PST