In the beginning of the year 2006 Ben (ex-Keihard Kut Ensemble), Corné (Kurb Saatus, Astra Khan, ex-Keihard Kut Ensemble and ex-Festering Vomitous Mass), Martijn (Astra Khan, ex-Keihard Kut Ensemble, ex-Festering Vomitous Mass, ex-Brainblast and ex-TBS) and Danny (ex-TBS) decided to have some more musical fun and started covering songs of childhood rock & metal heroes.
When Rembert (Astra Khan and ex-Sakurai) joined the band we soon had a one hour set of Metallica, Slayer, Entombed and Kyuss classics. We successfully hit the stage for the first time march 2007 and now we are building a bigger repertoire of grooving / shredding / banging songs so we can perform, get drunk and get laid regularly.