Happiness can be a drug; Let me tell you. . . He's perfectly amazing..
About Me
heLo, i'm ehh-Lyyn. wears birfdeyy suit on apriL 30. speCiaL attribute born&&raised FILIPINO. ii luHv: Kyut, Hilarious, && Food!! ii liiVe for: MEEH! my FamiiLyy, && what i believe in
JUST Gett aat meeh, gett to kno meeh X0X0X
dnt beeh a lil biitCh about it :P JK. PeeCe && muCH loVE ♥ What's amazing? Is it the way you look at me? Or the way you smile? Have that grin on your face for no reason at all? Can it be the way you make me smile? Make me get the butterflies every time I'm around you? Have nothing to say, but you already know I'm glad to be with you? Spend the WHOLE, ENTIRE day with you and yet still miss you when I leave? How you wonder how I'm perfect? How i'm crazy about you? How you surprise me with your cute gestures? Say things that make me smile and speechless? How you make me feel like someone special? How you make me try to be something better? OR Make me do the craziest things i thought I could never do? Like fall so fast for you. -[♥E.bby]
My Interests
Gently stroking his hips && making him say "Woooooo!" ;]
I'd like to meet:
My lil' Angel, MiMi MaMa!
imaa beeh heere.. latr, latr.
a Savior, KapamiLya, thee LovR, && Friends
My Blog
Lookin fo a SiiDEKiiCk MAhhN!
Yuu sellin one?! Hiit meeh up :) Posted by OH[eH♥LynBby]! on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 02:41:00 PST
Lessons on Life and Love
>written by mai wifey.. not me
Some things I want to say
Its always easy to write stuff when your head is telling you one thing and your heart... Posted by OH[eH♥LynBby]! on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 11:25:00 PST