Okay, so here's the deal, first and foremost, I don't mind keepin' in touch with people but if you send me a message or comment, please, say more than just "what's up" or "what's good" or "hi". Send me something that will make me want to reply. Tell me about yourself or something.
Send all fan signs to [email protected]! I'd definitely appreciate it.
Already born with the love and passion of music, as a baby, Reem knew deep in his heart that music would be his goal to pursue and starting at the age of 12, he began that journey. Always jumping from genre to genre, Reem followed different types of music to see not only how things worked, but to develop his own unique style within Hip-Hop. From pop to rock to rap to country, it didn't matter, he would listen. He loved it and knew that he wanted to mix these sounds to add a different flavor than the usual.
Reaching the age of 12, Reem began to write poetry. Without knowing that in 5 years, his writing of poetry would contribute to his lyrical talents, he only wrote poetry as a stress reliever. He would write between car rides, between classes, at home, or just anywhere he could find, he would write. After 4 years of writing constantly, it wasn't enough for him. His love for music made him want to learn more aspects and with that, he wanted to learn how to make beats. He was always interested in the music behind the lyrics so he researched. He was determined to learn the art of production and in due time, he did so. He practiced and practiced and practiced until he knew his skill had risen to the point where he could make some real creative music that would just blow the ears off of the people who heard it. Friends and family fell in love with his creations but still.. this wasn't enough for the then 17 yr old. He was yet to be satisfied....
The summer of 2006, Reem found himself writing poetry again while listening to one of his beats then suddenly stopped in the middle of a verse when he realized, he could combine the skill of him writing poetry and his ability to produce beats to record a real track. To write a song and turn what he wrote into a soundful creation. This is when the Hip-Hop artist known as Reem was born. He wrote song after song, produced beat after beat, and rehearsed and rehearsed until he was satisfied with what he had made. He didn't take it all too seriously until March of 2007 when he wrote and produced a song titled "Babygurl". He let people, mainly family, friends, and a few strangers listen to get feedback until he finally put it out for the public on his MySpace in July 2007. He noticed the large range of attention that it got from his MySpace faithful and realized that this is truly what he wants to do. He realized that he has truly found his life.
The sound of Reem is very much different than what people are used to hearing. He has true lyrical value with what he writes. He believes that to be a true lyricist, a true emcee, and a true Hip-Hop artist, you have to have substance, character, charisma, energy, intelligence, diversity, and creativity within your music. Reem possesses every single one of these traits with not only what he writes but also in the beats he make. At only 19 yrs. old, this young prodigy is truly the future of the Hip-Hop industry and will prove that with every song that he makes. It's the "Age of Reem".