Just...!Stefan profile picture


All the stupid things that you ever said...Are all the stupid things inside my head.

About Me

Stefan Palches born July 14th, 1987 Red hair, blue eyes (most of the time) free thinker tall and lanky day dreamer Harry Potter nut (yes seriously) hates it when the internet doesn’t work right escapes by the sounds of techno-trance. having inadvertence to the sound of ignorance and egotistical meaning; i do what i want because it's my life, my choices, my mistakes, my failures, and my success

My Interests

.. reading internet Myspace reading lyrics shows eating procrastinating History Channel Discovery Channel my imagination being myself

I'd like to meet:

NO fucking idiots please… Egotistic? No thanks Cocky? Ill laugh at you Materialistic? Uuhhhh…. “Ghetto”? uhm…I have no respect for you… If you fit that simple description then ill more than likely talk to you.

I enjoy taking pictures...

Grandpa Jack


i enjoy surfing Myspace...listening to tunes....who doesnt?



drama, fantasy, chick flicks, comedy, deep thought, mystery, action, animated...


"re-runs of night porn on cable TV"


HARRY POTTER, Lord of the Rings, The Wheel of Time, REDWALL, The Lost Years of Merlin, Dan Brown's...


"its turning out that im becoming more and more like my parents" and i think thats awesome!my 3 best friends, grandpa, the men and women that serve in the armed forces, the guys that have the balls to get up in front of people and tell them that a girl broke his heart. the guys that can get up and say that they broke a girls heart and they arent proud of it.

Severus Snape

Close To Home

Caption reads: "Find it in yourself"

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My Blog

the summer’s taking me to.....

nearly 2 months ago i packed up and moved 500 miles away from everything i knew and loved. i left a family (that was in good health) and friends that i was growing to love more than anything. i left ...
Posted by Just...!Stefan on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 07:10:00 PST

this may render to the voiceless...

in one months time, i will be of the legal age to consume alcohol, i will be of the legal age to gamble and walk the streets of Vegas without a worry in the world....again ha jk. i shall walk into a b...
Posted by Just...!Stefan on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 04:38:00 PST

life in context sums up to nothing more then a thrill ride

some things change and some things dont. you see friends grow and evolve to the life that they set for themselves, the standards they put up and the falls they take, while you are by thier side starin...
Posted by Just...!Stefan on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 12:11:00 PST

raining on a sunny day

as i thought about the weather today i came up with that title...and as i look at it more, i noticed and i guess felt that it was a bit depressing....oh well im leaving it up therewell today it rained...
Posted by Just...!Stefan on Wed, 07 May 2008 10:03:00 PST

ok soo an update you should all read...

since im such a big deal and i have like....3 friends, one of which is my dog, i thought i would blog this tid bit of information for ALLLLLL OF YOU...or as they say it down here "y'all" to read.since...
Posted by Just...!Stefan on Tue, 06 May 2008 11:17:00 PST

something of a good bye, something of closure

May 3rd, i leave my family and friends...i leave the town that i grew up in and the town that i really only know. Rockford isnt the greatest city ever thats no lie but its my home, Roscoe and Rockton ...
Posted by Just...!Stefan on Fri, 02 May 2008 12:03:00 PST

finger prints on my screen

i hear you late at night crying your eyes outwishing to talk to himhis ears on the otherside of the glasslistening to the same things i told youyoure wishing that time would go byfaster than it came, ...
Posted by Just...!Stefan on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 11:33:00 PST

Sweet Home Arkansas

recent news in my world is rather important and "breaking" if you will. i have decided that i need a big change in my life and some of you close to me have heard this from me over and over again with ...
Posted by Just...!Stefan on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 04:44:00 PST

when will i get my chance?

its hard to say what we will be in the coming monthsits hard to say that ill be able to hold onthe same spell is cast every timeyou face, your voice seizes my hearti lose courage and stability every n...
Posted by Just...!Stefan on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 07:11:00 PST

your lips, so expensive

ive been to the world and backthe moon and the stars seem so closeive seen what you have becomeand i dont like iti know i wont be making big bucksor driving in luxury its something more than what you ...
Posted by Just...!Stefan on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 08:43:00 PST