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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

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Sometimes I wish I could change the way life is. Besides,who says you have to live your life by the rules.To live lies and be unhappy, I refuse. You only have onelife, so you can only choose to sing your life to atune of happiness or rhythm and blues . I’m curious toexplore every thing I can. I don’t wanna diewondering what if or what could have been. I love a manthat may never be just mine, but I’m fine. Hispresence brings me such joy, my little girl brings out hislittle boy. We love each other and it is what it is.Anyway, the way I feel about him isn’t nobody’s biz. Why isit that you can only be in love with oneperson? Well maybe the rules isn’t for everyone, cause thisman is in love with me, and I am so so in lovewith him. If God is of love and satan is of hate, then lovecan’t possibly be wrong. The way he feels, Theway he smells, the things he say to me, God, Pree wouldn’tbe Pree without P! My day consists ofthoughts of us, it ignites fire in my body that I need him toput out. And when he doesn’t come to put myfire out, I speak , and burn him with my flames. Only his rain canease my pain. It feels like I am holding my breathand I can’t exhale until I hear his voice or see his face, heis becoming a necessity, who ever thought Icouldn’t live without Pepsi.


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