Myspace Editor
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MySpace Editor
MySpace Layouts MySpace Editor Icons Collage MySpace Graphics Photo CollageMyspace Layouts + Myspace GraphicsMy life has been so strange and complicated! I felt as if I had died a slow painful death over the years and now I live! I am ALIVE! Back in july of 2005 my life came crashing down, a chapter of lies and deciet long over due to be closed. At the same time I had been diagnosed with poly cystic ovarian syndrome. No one I knew could understand with all I had been dealing with, they saw on the outside, though did they really know on the inside. I lost 120 pounds in 5-6 months and became ill. Now I am healthier and am continuing my journey! If you wanna know more follow on this path with me to see what may come! love you all so very much! xoxoxoxoxo