布拉德利 (bu4 la1 de2 li4) profile picture

布拉德利 (bu4 la1 de2 li4)

All that shet is ficTITious

About Me

Hola. Me llamo Bradley y soy- Oh, in English... right. I'll stop showing off my mad Spanish skillz (hah). Heya. The name's Bradley. I usually go by B-Rad (pronounced "be-rad"), so call me that. :-) I'm a 24-year-old, gay boy living the typical college life in a lil' town called Denton. I have an amazing boyfriend whom I love very much; he means the world to me.
I graduated from the University of North Texas with a major in Spanish and am thinking about going back for a Master's in Spanish or Computer Science. I'm originally from a town called Sugar Land, southwest of Houston. That's why I'm so sweet. lol =P Shy and reserved at first, but if you have the patience to get to know me, I'm the sweetest, down-to-earth guy you'll ever meet. Well, I try... It's kinda hard to piss me off. I don't get mad easily, and if I do, I get over it quickly. I'm very forgiving, but I will never forget.
I tend to get along with everyone. It's in my nature to just be real with everyone and go with the flow of my vagina. Oh, did I mention I have a sick sense of humor? Sorry, I like to make people laugh, but I can be serious when needed. If you don't like sick humor, lighten up, ho! Life's short; have some fun. I'm a true Cancerian, so you might wanna watch out at times. I can get pretty crabby up in hurr. Hardy har har. ;-)
If you are going to friend request me, please message/talk to me first. That's all I ask. Simple, is it not? Otherwise, I'm gonna betchslap you, shetbag!
Un abrazo y muchos besitos,
B-Rad Get Your Own Voice Player Manage

My Interests

Hanging out with friends, drinking with friends, going clubbing with friends, going to movies with friends - anything and everything you can do with a friend, I'm totally up for it! I also love foreign languages (e.g., Spanish), grammar, men, computers, any kind of programming (e.g., HTML, CSS, Javascript, C++), all kinds of music (usually pop and techno), art, painting, and drawing.

MEN are beautiful works of art. Fun to draw, too!

I'd like to meet:

I already met him. :-)

"Shh! God is speaking." - Clifton

Chris Evans. See the movie Cellular. Guys built like him = HOT.

I used to be a HUGE Marilyn Manson fan.

Brian Molko. Androgyny is hot.

Beautiful men like Vinícius Postiglione.



I like just about anything EXCEPT some rap and most country. I'm very eclectic and will give any music a chance, but I prefer "GAY" music or any music that sounds cool to me.

My Last.fm Profile

Click here to see my music library/playlist at my website (my last.fm profile is probably more up-to-date).


I don't really have a favorite movie. When it comes to movies, just like music, I'm very eclectic.


Lost, Survivor, Queer As Folk, Real World, Road Rules, just about any reality TV show. I'm adDICKted. Well, used to be. Now I just watch Friends, Will & Grace, The King of Queens, Everybody Loves Raymond, Scrubs, MAD TV, Seinfeld, Roseanne, and Yes, Dear! with my boyfriend. ;)


Books are okay, but I don't read them often enough to care.


Jesus, my mom, my boyfriend Aaron, my friends, da Coon (Maryann), da Donut, and my Grandma Peggy (RIP)

My Blog

A simple kind of life (yeah, right)

Working full time has been the toughest thing in my life. I wish I were a better friend and kept up with you guys. I feel like I have been a bad friend these past few months (well, most of this year, ...
Posted by É·) (bu4 la1 de2 li4) on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 09:57:00 PST

I got it!

I got the job. I am now a back translator (translate something that is in Spanish back to English to make sure it matches the original English). Cool. I'll have other tasks to do, but that's the basi...
Posted by É·) (bu4 la1 de2 li4) on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 07:13:00 PST

Second Interview

O Dios mío, they actually called me on Friday to ask for a second interview. I accepted, and it's on Monday at 5PM. Although I'm really skeptical about taking this job due to the fact/way the presiden...
Posted by É·) (bu4 la1 de2 li4) on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 07:38:00 PST

My first corporate job interview (or something like that)

Ugh. For the second night in a row, I can't sleep. I have too much on my mind to fall asleep (but what else is new?).So, where do I even begin? Let's see... on Wednesday I got a call out of the freaki...
Posted by É·) (bu4 la1 de2 li4) on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 03:14:00 PST

Birthday Pool Party TOMORROW! 07-07-07

Hey bitches!My 24th b-day is TOMORROW. I am celebrating it at Chris and Deana's fabulous new apartment complex in Lewisville! They are having their housewarming an...
Posted by É·) (bu4 la1 de2 li4) on Fri, 06 Jul 2007 11:40:00 PST

Life is good

Hey, everyone. I know I haven't posted in awhile. Oh, well. I'm all graduated and still haven't gotten a job yet. I'm enjoying my summer, dammit! I need a break!I met someone amazing and he's the best...
Posted by É·) (bu4 la1 de2 li4) on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 05:50:00 PST


Hey, everyone. If you haven't heard, I'm graduating from college on May 12th at 5:00PM at the Coliseum on campus (UNT). Everyone's invited! I didn't send out any invites or anything. I'm lazy.I'm so e...
Posted by É·) (bu4 la1 de2 li4) on Fri, 04 May 2007 01:22:00 PST


I don't understand why I'm so depressed lately.I guess it's just because I haven't found my niche in life yet. Or I don't know what it is anymore or something. Jesus Christ. I don't know. This is both...
Posted by É·) (bu4 la1 de2 li4) on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 12:51:00 PST


This will be the year of change for me. I'm currently trying to work on a lot of changes. I dunno. I'm trying to be more outgoing and talk to/hang out with my friends more often. I'm sorry if I never ...
Posted by É·) (bu4 la1 de2 li4) on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 02:44:00 PST

Get druuuuuuunk!

Okay, I really suck at posting entries on several sites, so if you've already seen this elsewhere, oh well.Last Wednesday (Hump Day is also Drunk Day!) we invited a few people over and had a little ge...
Posted by É·) (bu4 la1 de2 li4) on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 08:06:00 PST