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Graphics & Layouts ^^WHO KILLED LOVE...? The word on the street is that LOVE is dead. Murdered and left to rott in an alley in Harlem. I've interiogated the suspects and believe that they all were equally involved. The rundown...MUSIC, TELEVISION, CASUAL SEX, WORK and MONEY. All of them looked pretty guilty. None of them had an alibi. I proceded with the questioning and found out a pletora of information regarding the murder of LOVE. But who was the killer. All confessed but who was lying and who was telling the truth? I questioned MUSIC first. It's interesting to know that music said he loved LOVE. Music said he had wrote songs about LOVE. He also said he was the reason LOVE lived so long. I turn up the heat on MUSIC and asked some tough questions. I yelled " If you loved her that much why did you disrespect her. Call her a bitch and hoe. Said that LOVE was for suckers. You spat on LOVE and the music you wrote about her was no longer romantic but filthy. It wasn't sultry but sexualy explict. How could you love LOVE?" MUSIC then began to cry and confessed that he no longer thought LOVE was important. No longer believed love had any significant value outside of SOUNDING romantic. MUSIC couldn't deny that he killed LOVE. But was he alone? Next up was TELEVISION. TELEVISION was straight forward. He said that he'd done it because he no longer made any profit from showing off LOVE. I asked him what was his relationship with love and he told me that he once featured shows about the goodness of LOVE. How LOVE prevailed over all things. He said he showed shows displaying LOVE at it finest moments. TELEVISION seemed happy that LOVE was dead. He smircked and said that the world had changed and certain shows have replaced LOVE. Shows about DRAMA and SEX sell and LOVE was a thing of the past. I kicked the hell out of the TELEVISION and told the officer to get him out of my sight. I told them to go ahead and bring in CASUAL SEX. All through out questioning, CASUAL SEX gave me this look as if she wanted to throw me on the table and have a go at it. I had to keep my composure. I told CASUAL SEX to give me the whole story. CASUAL SEX told me that she once stood for love. She said through out the years she said she was beaten on and displayed for the public and as selling object. She stated that sex sells and there was no room for LOVE anymore. CASUAL SEX said she now lives for the moment. She doesn't wait to get to know the person she gets involved with. She no longers takes the time out to build a trust and foundation. She said she murdered LOVE because she stood in the way of pleasure. Stood in the way of making money. AND stood in the way of being famous. She said she only had one regret since killing LOVE. She said she'll never find her SOUL MATE because she killed LOVE. The next suspect looked tired so I didn't grill him as hard as I did the others. I asked WORK to explain what had happened.WORK said everything he did was for LOVE. 18 hours a day and seven days a week. WORK said he never got a chance to see LOVE because he was always working for LOVE. Soon LOVE no longer was a prority nor meaningful pursuit So he decided to dedicate his life toward materialistic things. CARS, HOMES and JEWELRY. WORK told me that he had an affair with CASUAL SEX and LOVE had discovered them together. WORK said he stopped working so hard because he couldn't enjoy his life. He just wished he would of realized that before he killed LOVE The next and last suspect looked more guilty than the rest. She looked evil, head to toe. I believed her to be the mastermind behind the whole crime. She seemed over confident, some what conceited. I'd heard about her. People have killed over MONEY and did bad things to get her. I told MONEY to tell the truth and give me some answers on LOVE's murder. MONEY said she was jealous of LOVE. She said she got tired of people chasing after LOVE. People talking about LOVE and desiring LOVE. She said LOVE was stealing her spotlight. MONEY said she has never been happy. And noticed everytime she seen LOVE she was happy and really seemed like she GENUINELY enjoyed life. So it only seemed right to kill LOVE since she was so happy and I was so disgusted with my life MONEY said. MONEY muttered that no one can be happy and we all have to be misarble together. MONEYsaid she now gets all the attention in the world and there isn't a soul in the UNIVERSE that looks for LOVE. I'm actually starting to believe that. LOVE has become obsolete. I personally escorted MONEY to jail after they booked her. Such a sad case. I'm exhausted. Even after death LOVE still haunts me. I long to see LOVE once again. This case personally affected me because I sensed LOVE was coming an end and there was nothing I could do to pretend this tragedy. Through this investigation I undercovered that all five suspects killed LOVE, including myself. Whether it be intentional or unintentional a crime still took place. EVEN though we know who did it, no one cares. But if we murder one of the suspects all hell would break loose. There's still hope to ressurect LOVE. We could pull LOVE up out of it's grave and treat her with respect. LOVE they say is always better the second time around. Next time when we're confronted by LOVE don't shy away from it. Cherish the fact that LOVE has choose you and marvel in her grace. LOVE is the strongest thing known to man. If it's real, it will not break or crummble or deteriorate. LOVE is like a diamond. It last forever. TAKE CARE OF YOUR DIAMOND! Love one another and lets not destroy the greatest gift given to us. The ability to love. THE END This short story was written because the current situation that I'm in challenges all facets of love and the ability to accept it. The ability to have faith in it and let go your understanding of it. I'm not saying jump in a relationship with every smiling face. But if you truely like someone give them the chance to experience love with you. You only have one life and if you spend it trying to "get right" You'll never have the opportunity to embrace love. THAT PIECE WAS NOT WRITTEN BY ME, BUT ITS VERY POETIC...Hit... I was to inLove with Love & even she couldn't take that, She had an HeartAtack; Really though She did.^^