chicks, dicks, chains, whips!..liquid hot firey metal? sign me up!..i love museums and all art--tiki, pirates and cherries..anything ninja related rules!..not really into sports but i'll watch the hell outta some hockey; sweaty, fightin' men?..done.
...johnny depp or mike ness..anytime or place, sober or drunk, now or later, with frick or frack filming, and hey a fish bone will choke anybody...
punk rock kid!!i'd die without my social d.!..but anything frank sinatra or dean martin will do (love me some tall, dark and handsomes)..jazz, classical, rockabilly, latin..i'm always down for a long as it's not r&b we're straight!..oh, yeah..i'm also a wicked awemsome gangsta rapper in the shower and my car!..
good god where do i begin....classic black and whites when men were gentlemen, any and all WW11 movies..can't get enough Band of Brothers and Memphis Belle..kick-ass action flicks Tango and Cash style, son!!.. gotta shout out to Boondock Saints and Star Wars..and how i love my comedies, we'll just narrow it down to the top few..The Jerk, Raising Arizona, Animal House, Arthur, all Mel Brooks, Grandma's Boy, Anchorman, The Ringer and soo many more..
mmm, not so much (unlike my roommate, bogartin' mofo.!)..but my guilty pleasures are grey's anatomy and the o.c....and i'll make time for it's always sunny in philadelphia(genius, seriously), scrubs, family guy, and american dad..otherwise i'm gettin' my learn on and shit..
..Wrecking Crew, David Copperfield, Catcher in the Rye, On The Road, The Red Tent..any and all non-fiction cuz readin' is fun-da-mental!..
my friends..i meet a new one everyday..anyone who's inspiring for the moment..nothing gold can stay..