i dig on; text messages, photo booths, polaroids, craigslist and other forms of instant gratification. shows, wandering, my tree, sneaking in to the movies, s'mores, craft fairs, abandoned places and rooftop parties, photo hunt, mix tapes, fantastic music, small galleries, etsy, scraps and crafting.
with no apolagies; death cab for cutie, bittersweet, rogue wave, the postal service, rilo kiley, neko case, arcade fire, the dodos, stars, windsor for the derby, spoon, beck, band of horses, wilco, say anything, tilly & the wall, sondre lerche, mates of state, broken social scene, tegan & sara + approx. a million others.
fur: an imaginary portrait of diane arbus, shopgirl, brick, the castle, say anything, wet hot american summer, shaun of the dead & hot fuzz, everything is illuminated, highway
degrassi, pushing daisies, lost, gossip girl (yeah i said it), the soup
jenny lewis.