-*- Chatting -*- music -*- pink stuffs -*- harrY poTTer bOok -*- mY bEd -*- oUr tViE -*- mY fRieNdS -*-
i want 2 meet dat make me feel so secured,happy ,complete,special,and specialy feel me so trusted..dat the one i want to meet in my life...
~hip-hop~ ~R&B~ ~bLUES~ ~HoUSE Of muSiC~
-* stOmP thE yArd *- -* neU yOwk miniTe *- -* sLeepOveR *- -* hOnYee *- -* sAve the LaSt dAncE *- -* bRinG iT On 123 *- -* cHeApeR bY thE dOzeN 1, 2 *- -* LizZiE mCGuirE moVie *- -* thE peRfeCt Man *- -* fReakY fRidaE *- -* cOnfEsSiOns oF a tEenAgE dRamA qUeen *- -* rAiSe yOuR vOicE *- -* aMericAn piE *- -* sHe'S thE MaN *- -* aQUaMarinE *- -* wHitE cHickS *- -* aMeriCan dReamz *- -* hArrY pOttEr anD thE pHiLosOphEr'S stOne *- -* hArRy pOttEr anD thE cHambEr oF sEcretS *- -* hArRy pOtTer anD thE pRisOneR oF aZkAbaN *- -* haRrY pOTteR anD thE gObLet oF fiRe *- -* sNakeS oN a pLanE *- -* siStErhOoD oF thE tRaveLinG paNtZ *- -* thE ciNdeReLa sToRi *- -* thIrtEeN gOin oN tHirTy *- -* hErBie *- -* jUsT mY LucK *- -*
~KOreAN series~ ~japanese series~ ~indonisian series~
~My BelOved Uncle~