Music, Guitar, Bass, causing pe0ple t0 have c0nversati0ns ab0ut abs0lutely n0thing just s0 I can p0int 0ut that we just had a wh0le c0nversati0n ab0ut abs0lutely n0thing, phil0s0phy, Self awareness, Psych0l0gy, making a f00l 0ut 0f myself in public, scaring n0rmal pe0ple, fighting the machine 0ne t0aster 0ven at a time, Life, death and everything.
In n0 particular 0rder (well, alphabetic at times)- Nirvana, MSI, S0AD, Mudvayne, 0ld AFI (as in when they were still punk), Gutterm0uth, satanic surfers, Left0ver Crack, Ch0king Victim, Rancid, Antiflag, G0b, 30 f00t fall, Tsunami B0mb, Bad Brains, G0ldfinger, Madcap, The damned, TS0L, GBH, Fugazi, Husker Du, Dag Nasty, Strung 0ut Circle Jerks, B0uncing S0uls, NIN, Mans0n, All, Descendents, Black Flag, DK, Ch0pin, Captain Beefheart, Expl0ited, Ge0rge Clint0n and the P-funk, GG Allin, H20, Meat puppets, N0ne m0re Black, 0sker, N0FX, Pennywise, P5K, The Pixies, Primus, Reel Big fish, 0p Ivy, Link 80, T00l, Deft0nes, RX Bandits, Screaching Weasle, Suicidal Tendencies, Test Icicles, Smashing Pumpkins, Warren Zeav0n, Th0mas D0lby, The Deviates, The D00rs, The specials, The Dwarves, CKY, Min0r threat, N0 cash, AAA, Bigwig, B0uncing s0uls, The vandals, against me, agent 0range, Agn0stic fr0nt, The Pimps, The Internati0nal N0ise C0nspiracy, The Dead Milkmen... damn this list is l0ng a fucking nuff s0 let just end it with and a l0t 0f 0ther crazy shit.
Z0mbies and Vampires and shit, D0nnie Dark0, I Heart Huckabies, Fight Club, Easy Rider, SLC Punk, Ichi the killer, The Cr0w, V f0r Vendetta, Natural B0rn Killers, Cl0ckw0rk 0range, Nightmare Bef0re Christmas, D0gma, Sin City, Fear and L0athing in Las Vegas, American Beauty, American Hist0ry X, 12 M0nkies, The Jacket, The Dark Crystal, H0use 0f 1000 C0rpses, The Devils Rejects, Se7ev, M0nty Pyth0ns the Meaning 0f Life... Yeah, I'm all set 0n this list n0w t00
D0n't really watch it but when I d0-FLCL, Trigun, Family Guy, S0uth Park, Futurama, T0m and Jerry, L00ney Tunes, S0me times the D00dleb0ps, The Daily Sh0w.
The Vampire Chr0nicles by Anne Rice, 0dd Th0mas By Dean Kuntz, A bunch 0f shit by Edgar Allen P0e, The Ta0 Te Ching, D0n Juan:a Yaqui way 0f kn0wledge By Carl0s Casteneda (well, the wh0le series t0 which that is the first b00k, but I d0n't think the series actually has a title 0f its 0wn), The B00k 0f Five Rings, The Incarnati0ns 0f imm0rtality by Peirs Anth0ny, The Hitch Hikers Guide t0 the Galaxy and it's series by D0uglas Adams, Harry P0tter (duh) by Whats her face, The Grapes 0f Wraith, Fahrenheit 451... er whatever that number was, Animal Farm... Shit, a l0t.
"Wanting t0 be s0me0ne else is a waste 0f the pers0n y0u are"qu0ted fr0m Kurt C0bain I adopted a cute lil' emo fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!