Creating images that shock, titilate, enthuse, inspire, Images that create an emotional response, good or bad, we'd rather that you hate what we do than be indifferent to it.
Like minded individuals who want to share in our orgy of creative passion, who want to drink from the chalis of beauty and swim in the pool of .... well .... whatever, god I can blah blah blah.Most of our work on this site was done with a make up artist called Nancy Spencer but fate and her starting a business have made this a difficult partnership to continue. We want to work with her in the future but in the mean time would love to work with make up artists who 'get' what we do and want to be involved in the creativity of concept design as well as make up.
Music is the inspiration for 99% of our ideas. A soundtrack is the best partner for anything in life and we find that the world looks a lot prettier when music is present. We dont differentiate by genre just by quality and emotional response ... turn it up will ya ?
Films that have it all. If you can cram action, romance, emotion, horror, comedy, style, gob-smacking cinematography and wit into one film then thats fine by Dirty Soap. Take the the sperm / eggs of David Lynch, Tim Burton, Copolla (x2) and The Cohen Brothers and your some where close to my perfect film beast.
No thanks ...
Brett Easton Ellis, Irvine Welsh, Iain Banks, Luke Reinhart, Chuck Palahunuik ... blah blah blah .... 'oh yeah I have seen it but its no where near as good as the book'
Joseph = Charlie Brown / Alicia = Ralph from the shop & Joseph Story