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Joseph Story

About Me

..At the moment my name is Joseph and I am currently too old to mention. 30 seems a painful collection of birthdays to be remembering at the moment. I am sure I will look back with total fondness in years to come but at the moment its just pissing me off. 29 seemed such a good compromise. 30 just seems like a bit of bad news that I wasnt expecting. My hair is big at the moment. Stacey likes it. I think I look like a piece of cottoon wool. I like to take photos. I used to paint and illustrate and write and all these creative things but now I have no time to do these as I seem to take pics all the time and when I am not taking pics I am trying to sort them out on my computer. My eyes are due to change colour soon as it is coming up to summer. I have bought a flat that is not built yet which seems very expensive for scaffolding. I live in Hulme manchster. I train in Mossside Leisure Center and everyone thinks im an undercover police officer. I am not. I do a 9-5 that involves selling. I love watching films. I love listening to music. I love reading but dont have much time these days. I dont own a TV and think I am very superior because of this. My brain works in some strange ways and sometimes I like it but some times I am asked to take little pills. My girlfriend is called Stacey. She has beautiful eyes and likes pretty much everything that I do. She has a ring in her lip that I keep hurting by kissing her too hard. I am going now. If you want any more info then ask. I may tell. I may not. But hey .... thats the excitement of this whole thing called life is it not.Get Your Own! | View Slideshow

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My Interests

Photography, Art, music, film, poetry, keeping fit (ish), friends and family, playing my guitar badly.

I'd like to meet:

Creative people. People who invent. People who travel the path less travelled. Get in touch. xXx...


I love music. It is huge for me and represents 99% of my sauce of creative inspiration. I buzz off music. I buzz of discovering music. I buzz off people buzzing off music. At live gigs I am like a small child at xmas and tend to be a bit embarassing


I love films that look beautiful. Some of my fave films are not that good ... but look gorgeous. Favourite directors are; David Lynch, Luc Besson, Cohen Brothers.


I dont own a TV ... I love saying that, 'nah sorry mate i didn't see it, I dont have a TV' its almost impossible to say that without the other person hearing 'no. I dont have a TV because I am superior to you.'


I like pretty dark books so my tastes fall in the direction of Irvine Welsh, Brett Easton Ellis, Chuck Phalanuik and Don Delillo ... However I did read 'Valley of the Dolls' recently and absolutley loved it, post-feminism before the advent of feminism. Very clever.


Charlie Brown.