One day we'll ride bikes and drink ribena together
About Me
Teddy Bones was sailing. As the pirate ship moved down the slow moving amazon river he played with the parrot, throwing it titbits and watching it fly to catch them. With a flick of the wrist he skimmed a cracker through the air. The parrot dived to catch it before it hit the water's surface. As its beak opened for the take a piranha jumped from the water and in a flurry of feathers dragged it underwater. Instantly the relationships he had crafted with the buccaneers vanished. Furious, the pirates came toward him forming a circle and Teddy knew there was nothing that would save him but to flee.
Seeing a barrel to his side he bent down flipped it off the floor with both hands and headlong into three rogues at the side of the ship. As they turned and ducked to avoid the attack Teddy jumped through the gap they had left and into the water of man eating fish.
The trusty barrel lay in the water next to him, he climbed inside and hid, it was cowardly, but it was a battle he could never have won.
Days of floating in the barrel passed and Teddy was in the open ocean. The barrel was spinning, fast and unnaturally. He felt something slap across the wood, half submerging it. He peeked out and saw a tenticle.
An orange octopus was trying to capsize Teddy. Teddy shouted and the spinning stopped.
'What is this? drawled the octopus'.
'It's a fucking barrel' said Teddy.
'A barrel, oh i see. Well no, i understand but i don't see, I have no way of seeing what's ahead of me.'
'Do you have any food?' asked Teddy.
'Huhm, food, well some yes but only wotsits that wotsisname dropped'.
'They're the one made from maze aren't they, a bit like chipsticks but cheesy?'
'Not as crunchy', replied the blind octopus.
Teddy had a plan.
'If you carry me out of the water then i can be your eyes, if in return i can have some of your tasty treats?'TBC
My Interests
See below
I'd like to meet:
Whoever has the brains to open a go kart paintball track.