andrew profile picture


About Me

I enjoy walking fast, and have developed a worrying propensity to find shop mannequins attractive.
I am taller than the ceiling in my bedroom - Which necessitates a bizarre bedtime posture which i am still unfamiliar with.

My Interests

Writing, Golf, mittens, keeping visitors passes to the inland revenue, page 606, the feeling of travelling forward in time gained by opening every advent calendar window at once, biting my thumb at the auditing practices board, psychoanalysis, dressing gown, kitten's lower front teeth, Kevin McCallister, pub quiz panic attacks, the ferociously automated book returns system at the jubilee library, Glucose monitoring systems, EMDR, holes in walls in my house, why east grinstead,Econometrics, mathematics, what other people are reading on the train, Microsoft excel, whether other people on the train are looking at what i am reading, Derealization/Depersonalization, Cheryl David, Being taller than the ceiling in my bedroom (and the hunched bedtime posture that is necessitated) slippers as worn by the fresh prince of bel air, smell of Gauloise cigarettes, Ecomat - more than just a mulch,poker, suduko.

I'd like to meet:

Ignatius.A golf buddy.


In no order of ability: The Smiths, Magnetic Fields, M83, Les Savy Fav, Nick Drake, My Bloody Valentine, Daft Punk, Joanna Newsom, D.F.A, The Kings of Convenience, The unicorns, William Basinski, Annie, the rentals, Mogwai, Modest Mouse, LCD Soundsystem, Broken Social Scene, The microphones, Will Young, Andrew Bird, Bjork, Vitalic, Hefner, Will Young, Built to Spill, boards of canada, Beach boys, rhianna, pavement, Bob Dylan, Weezer, the buzzcocks, ugly casanova, fourtet, the pixies, girls aloud, iron & wine, Wilco, The Go!Team, Erlend Oye etc


Mulholland drive, Home Alone 2, Once upon a time in the west, Amores Perros, Night of the Hunter, City of God, Clerks, Rushmore, Punch Drunk Love, Office Space, Tin Cup, Basket Case and so forth.


Peep Show, Late night Poker, Simpsons, Curb your enthusiasm, Extreme makeover: Home edition, The Nazis: A warning from history property renovation money grab bullshit.


Franz Kafka, Henrik Ibsen, JK Rowling, George Orwell, Roald Dahl, Freud, 2nd hand freud via "introduction/how to read/for dummies" etc, John Kennedy Toole, Microsoft excel tuition books, Camus, janine baker, Olivier Blanchard...


I like the idea of Elliot Spitzer.

My Blog

Doorstep diaries and the Russian postal system

In the last couple of months our communal doorway has played host to the residue of various anonymous fly by nighters, including, without being restricted to, the following:bloodvomitdiazepamsomebody'...
Posted by andrew on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 12:54:00 PST

Ever wish you had just stayed at a party?

AKA My Saturday night almost goes Hitchcock, with a train as the Mcguffin.Jesus, this is going to be long and self indulgent.On Saturday Tom and I made the trip back to East Grinstead for Ben's (and h...
Posted by andrew on Tue, 01 Aug 2006 04:42:00 PST

Fuck, Janine

thank god
Posted by andrew on Sun, 18 Jun 2006 04:59:00 PST


I often go some while between posting here, but on the odd occasion I reread what has gone before I am usually left thinking that it was a handy reminder of what I have been doing/griping about at an ...
Posted by andrew on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 09:01:00 PST

You should probably read this

OK.After falling ill this weekend I went to the doctors this morning to be told that I have Mumps.I have been signed off for the week (finally an illness that pulls its weight) and told to remain isol...
Posted by andrew on Mon, 27 Mar 2006 02:27:00 PST

So, what has 2006 been up to

Right. After much toing and froing (i can't begin to imagine how either of those words should be spelt) i quit my job, and Friday 31st March will be my last day. I have been considering this for an ...
Posted by andrew on Sun, 19 Feb 2006 04:11:00 PST

You know when....

You are walking along the pavement toward an absent minded stranger, and think "uh oh, looks like we may bump into each other, better take a step to the side here" and you do, but evidently 'they' thi...
Posted by andrew on Tue, 29 Nov 2005 12:39:00 PST

Fucking Kings Cross

For not interesting reasons, i have been spending a fair amount of time in Kings Cross of late, and there are no working cash point machines anywhere.  However, everywhere you look are shops...
Posted by andrew on Fri, 14 Oct 2005 12:57:00 PST

No toast necessary

I have set myself the task of not drinking and/or going out until the end of June. This is partly due to my moving house, and not being able to afford to do so unless i briefly stop fritting away mon...
Posted by andrew on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

It is May day and not a pole in sight

I am unsure as to why i have started up this blog, after my brief flirtation with livejournal fell very quickly by the wayside. I am curious as to how long it will last. It is bank holiday monday ...
Posted by andrew on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST