Lollie profile picture


I LuV My PuSSy CaT!!

About Me

Hey WUz Up....I LiVe In Spnish HarleM NYC I Luv ItaLian fOOd, JaPaKnees & $1 Menus.. I Hate BulliEs But I also Hate Wimps, CRYin IS TheraPutiC iT CleAns ThE SouL!!!

My Interests

HaNGin w/ InTreStiN PePiL, LaUgHiN.. goiN 2 MoViEs Or ReNtiN Sum, ChillEn In NYcs UndErGrouNd LouDges.. ShopPin,PaiNtinPhotoGraPhy,ThRo Bck SnEakErs & GraFFitti WritEn (NyC Hall Of FaMe) 106 & ParK BEbe ,Oh YeA SEXxx(Put YoUr PinKy In It)

I'd like to meet:

London Bridge (Oh Snap Version
By Fergie


Dido, Bijork, Greenday, Mephisbleek ,Jayzzzzz, 50 sumtimes GwenStefani ,Outkast, Pinkfloyd ,blckSabbath ,Hendrix ,Emm /ST HipHop, Drum N Bass, R&b ,Tech/ ST ,Rck , syst Of Dwn Mushrm PepL Oh & Disco shut Up


Goonies, WillyWonka ,A ClocKWrkOrAnge ,TotalReCall, IndIeFilms... BrkfstClub PlaTToon, eXorcist ,ParTyMonstEr ,KiLlBiLl ,MaDMaX (all 3) Bill&TEds XAdv. ANd Pretty Much NE ThinG By Mr.Pitt & Mr.DePP Oh YeA KiLLerKloWns Frm OuTerSpaCE


TV SucKs Now I Luv The Old Shows Lk SmLWonDer WebsTer AlF COrny Huh Well FcK U I Hate ReaLity Shws XcePt PimpMyRide& AmerChoppER Luv CaRs & Bikes I Lk NatioNalGeO HistoryChaN& FoRensiCs Im A cUte GeeK


Its A shame I reAlly Dnt Read As MuCh As I Should BUT I read All of Harry POttHeads Bks.. DoEs PorNos CouNt (Men Of Course) How I Luv Thee GrAffitti BKs, HeavYMetAl (I dnt Knoe I'll Read Sum& Let U knoe LateR)


GoD He's My CreAtor BesidEs Mi Madre , MalcomX ,MLK, BeNStillEr, JaCkBlack ,TheOld MichaelJackson (ThRillerVersion) ShirLeyTempEL & My PinK BunNy VibRatoR JK.. Or em I