Travel, music, real estate, Dancing!, shoes, the beach, sunshine, las vegas, hanging with my girls, mia, chinese rice, mac lip gloss, candy, blow pops, pink,NyC, pictures, history, tivo, late night diner stops, cakewalks, hot boys, fun, public relations, promotions....and PaRtYs!!!!welcome to!!!
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Hip hop, R&B.... rappers:jay-z, 50 cent, LLoYd BaNk$! kollassal, claw diggie, 6- line records, big fella, killa mike, biggie, nas, djs: dj q, psychosis, dj triple threat, joe black Pcutta~
Million Dollar Baby, The Incredibles, Boyz In The Hood, Texas Chainsaw Masacre.....
ENTouRaGE! my favorite!!! sex in the city, desperate housewives, real world/road rules, dr. 90210, the apprentice, ER, simple life, top model, I LOvE reality TV! :)
do or die, trading up, memoirs of a giesha, davinchi code, four blondes, addicted, the sex chronicles, the devil wears prada, lovely bones, NO waY OuT, the heat seekers, JerSeY chASerS(coming soon...right alicia????)