WhO eVeR, mAyB u...... =P
tool lyrics
a - z LYRICS------
HaRdKoRe, GaBbEr, SpEeDkOrE, tErRoRkOrE =) MeTaL, rOcK, kOrN, cAnNiBaL kOrPsE, sLaYeR, sLiPkNoT, pAnTeRa, SyStEm Of A dOwN, rAgE aGaInSt Da MaChInE, mOrBiD aNgEl, SoUlFlY, rAnCiD, gUtTeRmOuTh, NoFx, KrAdLe Of FiLtH, dImMu BiGoR, mArIlYn MaNsOn, WiTcHeRy, GaRbAgE, kItTiE, sUiCiDe KoMmAnDo, No DoUbT, wUmPsKuT, pEnNyWiSe, NiN, iNdUsTrIaL, jUnGlE, tRaNcE, hArD sTyLe/NrG/dAnCe, & wHaTeVeR eLse U kAn MoSh 2 Or WhAtEvEr I'm In Da MoOd 2 LiStEn 2, 2 MuCh KrAp 2 NaMe....
What E Pill Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla You're a Blue Dolpin!
You like to sit back and enjoy a good light show. You dance and mingle now and then, but feeling good all night long is your main concern.
How You Life Your Life
You are honest and direct. You tell it like it is.
You tend to avoid confrontation and stay away from sticky situations.
You prefer a variety of friends and tend to change friends quickly.
You tend to always dream of things within reach - and you usually get them.
How Do You Live Your Life?SUPPORT DA KORE!!!!
ThE kRaFt, QuEeN oF dA dAmMeD,dA rInG, bOoK oF sHaDoWz, ReD dRaGoN, kAnNiBaL, dArk cItY, pUlP fIcTiOn, TrAiNiN' dAy, HeAvY mEtAl JaCkEt, 2 KaN pLaY tHaT gAmE, nEvEr BeEn KiSsEd, Da SwEeTeSt ThIng......
SvU, dA sImPsOnZ, Da Oc, Da ReAl WoRlD, cHeAtErZ, hOuSe, CoMeDy CeNtRaL, lIfEtImE =P, fX, cArToOn NeTwOrK [aDuLt SwIm], mTv.... E.t.C.
FaShiOn MaGaZiNeZ, lOl...... :P
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