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Myspace BackgroundsMy Name is Aakash. Its an Indian Name whose meaning is "SKY" in English. I do not know where do I start to describe myself as so many things are going on at my front.
I have no clue about the starting point. Well.....I believe in myself as well as people who are successful in their life and have achieved popularity. I believe in Positive Power, Positive Attitude, Goals ,Positive thinking, Spiritual methods to train the brain, Meditation, helping people and respecting Old people. I believing i n Helping people all the way who are in real need of something. Belive big time in charity and the power of Cherity works. Have served in Habitat for Humanity organization by buiding the homes for homeless people. Currently working with a non-profit organization voleentarily and will help different kinds of people who are challenging each day of their life to survive in this world. God Bless them. Always believe in Power of Forgiveness. Just forgive oly once, someone to whom you hate too much and feel the power of Forgiveness, the feeling in your heart. I am aure you will start forgiving more and more people which can help you and others indirectly in millions of ways.My goals are defined and are very tight which I am finishing one by one as time passes. I like to read Self Help books, Audios and Videos. I try to remain in positive energy surroundings. People loves me for my Honesty, Integrity, Sense of Humor and Helping nature. You might be thinking that I am somewhat serious natured person?....right?....WAIT ...Before you assume anything let me turn the table.I am a person who has good sense of humor, love to laugh, I like to deal/tease/joke with tough, I am pure Sagittarian (My Astrological Sun Sign) and hence I like all kinds of things available for entertainment and adventures. I like to play music, sing, travel, adventures, sports, partying, and what not?...One more thing ... I can make anyone laugh like crazy doesn't matter who the person is. I like challenges all the time never afraid to try anything. People who knows me even for 5 min, they can't forget me easily for long time that's my identity. My nature is very friendly and can make any one my friend in just 5 mins.I like to hang out with friends,clubbing and Drinking sometimes.I respect elder people,successful people, people with Positive thinking attitude (I do not deal with any -ve thinking people), People who has something positive which I do not have, Businessmen around the world. The only thing I learned from the Past life is DON'T TRUST ANYONE ( in Most cases).I am in to several things in my life. I do different types of Businesses like Internet Based Businesses, Websites Design and Hosting, Technical Writing. For me business is a practical and people related entity. I am currently running a business which involves PEOPLE & HELPING PEOPLE concept. I am planning to retire in next 3 years and will be financially independent for whole life after that. Thanks to the awesome business opportunity I grabbed.You can visit my website ( Please check out the first video in my profile to get more idea about the business, let me know if you are interested in it and want to learn about how to get started )I like to have as many friends I can to make my most important base ( people are the basis for any business) ....I am only looking for Business Associates who are go getter. I do what I want at any cost, take all kinds of risks and tough decisions ontime and most of the time in seconds, unlike many people think for years and loose the opportunity. I NEVER LOOK BACK....ALWAYS MOVE FORWARD WITH ALL MY ABILITIES , BRAIN POWER AND ALL EFFORTS.... Thanks for reading my profile...Interesting right?? kidding.If you think you can be my frind, feel free to join me as a friend. I do not care what you do, as I know if you are my friend, then you have something which I do not have. I learned from each and every person something new all the time. Most things learned from Old people to whom I love the most....their advice is GOLD.....all the time for me..... That's for now....will add few more things later. If anyone don't like my description, please let me know why you don't like and will try to note it down to improve myself in future. Opposite is also true, if you like the profile, send me a message and I will appreciate it.....Thanks again for reading such a Long Profile.