Bands from Grunn Rockcity!Clint Eastwood, Henry Rollins, Socrates, Nick Cave, Ron Jeremy, Kate from Lost, Brett Easton Ellis, Mike Patton. And Winston Bogarde.To bands: I'm really not interested in classic rock or coverbands. Come up with something new. This also counts for urban, uhm, music. Don't bother (this also counts for video models; get an education).
Got a day or two? It ranges from Rammstein to Interpol, from Ignite to Tiga and from Mark Lanegan to Bloodred Shoes. But the best thing that has ever happened to music, is Slayer. I just love yelling Slayer during crappy concerts. And even during good ones. If you don't like Slayer, then I don't like you. Simple.
Sin City, Boondock Saints, Donnie Darko, Farmer Girls Go Wild pt. 6, Children of Men, everything from Quentin Tarantino, Jim Jarmusch and Sergio Leone.
is a waste of time. Get a life. (but I dig Lost. And Carnivale. And Californication)
Michel Houellebecq: Mogelijkheid van een Eiland, H.J.A. Hofland: Cicero Consultants, Winston Bogarde: Deze Neger Buigt Voor Niemand (highly recommended)
Clint Eastwood. Kerry King.