Annie profile picture


I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

Ok, I figure after a few years of the same 'about me' it is probably time to update. I am currently living in Barcelona, Spain teaching English, and trying to learn Spanish. I love to travel, read, watch movies, and party. I don't really know what else to if you want to know ask!

My Interests

I usually enjoy anything I end up doing, which usually is pretty random shit, but that makes for the best stories. So, if you are in need of someone do to random shit with, then I am your girl.

I'd like to meet:



The Postal Service, MIA, She Wants Revenge, Franz Ferdinand, Jet, Dave Matthews, Prodigy, Tom Petty, some classical, some country, Sahara Hotnights, Rilo Kiley, Shakira, Fall Out Boy, The Ditty Bobs, Brand New, The White Stripes, The Black Eyed Peas, Snow Patrol, Thirty Seconds to Mars, The Strokes, Jack Johnson. Also, hit me up with your favorite music because I always love listening to new stuff.


All I have right now is crap in Spanish (well except for all shit my flatmates and I The Office, Lost, CSI, Grey's Anatomy)


The Time Traveler's Wife (my favorite book of all time) Anything by: Jonathan Safran Foer, T.C. Boyle, Ted Dekker, Tom Robbins, Jodi Picoult, Carl Hiaasen, Christopher Rice, Ann Packer, Michael Chabon, Tom Wolfe, Christopher Paolini, Charles McGuire, Christopher Moore, Gregory McGuire, Carol Goodman, really though there are too many authors and books that I love, as I think of them I add them to this list, but there are just too damn many.


People who can write novels...I am so jealous of that.

My Blog

Reasons I will never live in Nevada County Again

Ok, so sometimes I start to feel homesick and I get a strange urge to move back to Nevada County. On those rare occassions I turn to the police blotter from The Union for support. Here is a list of so...
Posted by Annie on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 03:56:00 PST