Pretty Shan =) profile picture

Pretty Shan =)

I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm... S h a n e l
But u can call me Shan =]
I'm different. U mite hear me sayin:
+ Steamin up
+ Gudden
+ Gone
+ Beaut
+ Parden
If ur close 2 me u will understand wt i mean by these words ;]
I just left school, dat makes me 16, even doe im fakin short. I got curly curly hair, light brown eyes. 4 Piercings; Nose, Ears. Lookin 2 get more. Live mah mumzii and doggie. I love scary films & Hot chocolate:). well i dnt know what else 2 rite bout me :|
Haters click that nice big red juicy [x] at the top right hand corner coz i aint about to hear all ur shit. U act like u know my life but u really dnt have a clue. Dont b judgin me if u dont know me. Dont add me just to watch my face. Just coz u mite always see me jammin with boyz dont mean anyfins going on it aint bothering your life so stop botherin mine. I jus get along with more boys than girls, coz some girls r too bitchy...
But i love:
+ My mummy
+ My sister
+ Ceyda

My Interests

Holla At Your Dawgiie =)


-Slow Jamz
-Bit of grime
-Bit of rap
& Moreee


..*Scary Movie 1/2/3/4
..*The ring
..*Fridays =)
..*barber shop
..*Money Talks
..*Soul Plane
..*Final Destinations
..*Bride of chuckie
..*Saw 1/2/3/4
..*Freddie vs Jason
..*Fast and furious
..*2 Fast 2 Furious
..*One missed call
& Moreeee


#My wife and kids
#Fresh prince of bel air
#All of us
#Half and half
#Family Guy
& Moreee




#This b ma bestest Friend inda hole wide world like ive known u Now 4like 5YEARS! ma ride or die ma sister maynn its unberlevable how close me nd nai Are like If u See Me u see her if u see her u see me =] even if wev seen eachava 4dah HOLE DAY will go r sepr8 ways nd sum how still end up either me phone'nin her or her phone'nin me i got so much love 4 dis gyal its unreal i wud bak her fru nefink, nefink happens 2u im actully gonna go mad! we got so much memories 2gevah LOL many more 2 cum aswel b! Wev had r twin moments loool like every single clothing on r body has bin da same loool if u look in her wardrobe nd mine u'll see da xzackd same tings loool ;] she's Speshal 2mee! LoveYou xx Naomi xxCeyda Fackin Hell Wer Do i Start Dis gyal along side her bruva ive known since we was in mummys tummys loool ive known her since she was born like 16years WOW! r memories r halirious seriously like wen ersinn got lost round da ends nd he had his walky talky tellin us his near a blok ov flats us runnin tryna find him loool nd dem times we use 2make r mumz nd dads nd whoeva else was round sit in da front room nd we use 2 dress up nd do shows 4me like crazy quiz loool nd (A CROCADILE BIT MA HAIR)PRIV8 JOKE FACKIN HELL LOOL..Nd dat tym wer we got chase by dem dogs coz da owners set it on us =| ivee never ran so fast in my life loool i dint even look bak 2see wer u lot wer loool i just keep on runnin lol funny funny ahhhh GoodTimess Ay Well i love u 2bits memba dat yeeeeh =] Xx CeyDa xX