*NETTY* profile picture


Hey Bob......YOU ARE JESUS!- Shawn (SLC Punk)

About Me

Lets see...I play bass in a punk band called LOWER CLASS KIDS. Our music is, Well I guess you can call it old school-melodic punk. You can go check out our MYSPACE at myspace.com/lowerclasskids to hear our music. My passtimes consist of listening to music, drinking, playing music, drinking and hanging out with friends, and going to gigs or shows, then maybe getting a drink. Oh yea, I also enjoy sunsets and long walks on the beach. (not really,well maybe with a drink). My AIM is netty2184. IM me if you're bored enough. And...
I adopted a cute lil' halloweeny fetus,BILLY from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!

My Interests

Which Band Should You Be In? by couplandesque
Your Name
Band Name Jimmy Eat World
Role Bassist
Trademark Colour Coordinated Wardrobe
Love Interest Supermodel

Quiz created with MemeGen !

I'd like to meet:

Meet 'Dori'
my adopted


The adicts,afi, the misfits,subhumans,decendants,dead kennedys and pretty much any old skool punk bandimg src="http://www.hiljaiset.sci.fi/punknet/pics/adicts.jpg"


img src="http://us.ent4.yimg.com/movies.yahoo.com/images/hv/phot o/movie_pix/touchstone_pictures/the_nightmare_before_christm as/mountainjack.jpg"


Familiy Guy,The Simpsons,Futrurama,Who's Line Is It Anyway.