Mat is a product profile picture

Mat is a product

Gasping for breath and finding none!

About Me

My name is Mat.
I love my family.
My girlfriend Billie is my bright blue sky.
My Daughter Satin is my Sun.
I am educated and afraid of what the world is coming to.
I need coffee to wake up in the morning.
I am into great music, much better than yours.
I enjoy watching movies so I buy them, and lots of them (I have about 900).
I have a beautiful daughter and a Loving girlfriend.
I like to drink water and beer.
I try to eat healthy foods and try new things.
Going to metal and hardcore shows is what I like to do at night. Usually with my uncle Jason who is a great friend of mine.
Most times I hang out with Will and Benji.
I drive a 1993 Volvo 850 GLT and my girlfriends 1988 BMW 325i.
I am originally from the state of Maine where people know how to:
Drive, brush their teeth, take showers, wear deodorant, and speak correct English.
Keeping people at arms length, singing/screaming, Tattoos, Snowboarding, Art, Cinema, Volvo's, BMW's, Snowboarding, and European cars are just some of my interests.
If I had only one wish it would be to fly with wings.
I feel like a fish without water most times (here in the south) gasping for breath.
I'm currently looking to buy an E30 BMW 3 series 88-91. Or a 95-98 Volvo 850 t-5 or R in good shape let me know if you see one.
Also, I would consider selling my car, here is a link to it if you would like to check it out. My Volvo 850 .
what kind of asshole scene kid are you?
you are one of these metalcore fucks. every band you listen to sounds exactly the same. they all are just breakdowns and pinch harmonics. get some variety. you like to go in the pit to hurt people. that's real cool. go jump off a bridge.
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My Interests

I like cars, European cars I like Volvo's and I drive one. I'm an artist so I love throwing around paint and making art with Adobe Photoshop. My old passion is graffiti. but I gave it up. I like going to art shows, and metal/hardcore shows. I enjoy listening to music and spending way to much money on cd's and dvd's. I like to have fun and be with my friends and family.
Driving is fun for me. I like hauling ass through old country roads, hard braking and sliding around turns.
If it were my way I would own a house, be financially comfortable and drive a mint 1991 BMW M3 Widebody.
Faster, faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death...
What's the difference between understeer and oversteer? Understeer is when the driver is scared. Oversteer is when the passenger is scared.The most important thing in my life right now is my daughter's health and her comfort. Vote for Ron Paul 2008.

America The Dictatorship. Our President has set himself up as our next dictator much like Hitler. Youtube Directive 51 or find it on my playlist.
The security and prosperity partnership of North America is a design that has been made that America now has no borders between Canada and Mexico. Some people believe this is the beginning of a New World Order or a whole world being governed by one person. Fact. They even have a currency for us to spend. They even have a website that you can buy the money from. Its called the Amero. Search these Keywords on Youtube for more info or look at my playlist.
This is from the movie Zeitgeist I have the whole thing you can find it on its the most talked about political movie of the year.
Ron Paul 2008.

I'd like to meet:

Christina Ricci, so pretty... I like whats shes out for.

Derek Hess I found my art inspiration from this man.

Jake Bannon, he is sort of a hero to me.
Update: I met him.



.. CONVERGE. The Showdown. Killwhitneydead. Cannae. Unearth. Shadows Fall. Alexisonfire. Piecemeal. Daughters. Glass Casket. Circle Take The Square. The Sawtooth Grin. Poison The Well. From Autumn To Ashes. Undying. Nodes Of Ranvier. The White Stripes. Gorillaz. Dilated Peoples. The Roots. Dr. Dre. The Dillinger Escape Plan. Piebald. Thursday. Norma Jean. Destroy Destroy Destroy. Nasum. I would Set Myself On Fire For You. A Jealousy Issue. Slayer. Anah Aevia. Motley Crue. ISIS. Bowels Of Judas. Eyelid. Lynchpin. Fortydaysrain. Rememberingnever. The Year Of Our Lord. Eighteen Visions. Killswitch Engage. Cave In. Every Time I Die. Underoath. Amaranthus. Prayer For Cleansing. The Valentine. The Rotting. Secret Lives of the Freemasons. Avenged Sevenfold. Showbread. The Red Chord. Shai Hulud. The Suicide File. Drowningman. Terror. BLOOD for BLOOD. Dragon Force. Bane. Stretch Arm Strong. Boy Sets Fire. Most Precious Blood. Odd Project. Ozzy Osbourne. Megadeath. Motley Crue. Converge- The Long Road Home. Dream Theater. and about 3-400 more.


..American Beauty. American History X. American Psycho. Pi. Donnie Darko. Fargo. Final Destination. Matrix Trilogy. Requiem For A Dream. Un Chien Aldalou. Pulp Fiction. Jackie Brown. Kill Bill. Ronin. Mulholland Drive. Monster. Reservior Dogs. KIDS. The Fountain. Aeon Flux. Anger Management. Bourne Identity. Bourne Supremacy. Bad Boys I&II, Bubba Ho Tep. Charlie And The Chocolate Factory. Closer. Constantine. Dead Presidents. Dazed And Confused. The Dreamers. Empire records. Envy. Exit Wounds. Eyes Wide Shut. Fight Club. Finding Forrester. The Girl Next Door. GO. Happy Gilmore. Hero. Click. Hellfest DVD's. hostle. Italian Job. Jarhead. Lock Stock And Two Smoking Barrels. The Lost Boys. Napoleon Dynamite. Bench Warmers. Natural Born Killers. Office Space. Oxygen. Pearl Habor. Prozac Nation. Saving Private Ryan. Rules Of Attraction. Riddick Trilogy. Scarface. Saw I&II. School Of Rock. Black Sheep. Secret Window. Seven. Spies Like Us. Transporter I&II. Super Troopers. Taking Lives. Underworld I&II. The Whole Nine Yards. The Whole Ten Yards. Wicker Park. Wild Things. Cast Away. Bruce Almighty. Cube & Cube Zero. Devils Advocate. Dream Catcher. The Fast And The Furious movies. Gladiator. Braveheart. The Goonies. Grumpy/Grumpier Old Men. High Crimes. Ice Age. Madagascar. Joe Dirt. Anamatrix. Medicine Man. Matchstick Men. Monsters Inc. The Odd Couple I&II. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. We Were Soilders. Caligula*. The Wizard. Young Guns I&II. Back To The Future Trilogy. Friday The 13th Series. Lord Of The Rings Trilogy. Running Scared. Secondhand Lions. The Peaceful Warrior. Puzzlehead. Pathfinder. 300. Anchorman. Many Others.



I buy all the tv shows that I want to watch.


.. American Psycho. The Ginger Man. The Encyclopedia Of Angels. Angels: An Endangered Species. Visions. the Art Of Discworld. The Labrynth Tarot. 100 American Poems Of The 20th Century. Electric Light. Things Fall Apart. Sidhartha. As I Lay Dying. The Sun Also Rises. Situation Ethics. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Intruder In The Dust.


.. Derek Hess. Billie. Converge. Music. Satin Skye. Henry Rollins. Ron Paul

My Blog

Operation Garden Plot or read it here: Operation Garden Plot   [Acquired via a circuitous route from the Internet. Sources have been deleted to protect their identity. Thank...
Posted by Mat is a product on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 12:42:00 PST

Tennessee funnies.

You know you're from Tennessee if:1. You measure distance in minutes.2. You've ever had to switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day.3. You use "fix" as a verb. Exam...
Posted by Mat is a product on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 07:48:00 PST


After filling out my application for this pistol I wanted the guy picks up the phone. dials the number, gives this information. Name, address, SS, Gun model, Serial, (slight pause) the man circles "ap...
Posted by Mat is a product on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 06:26:00 PST

The Shit I found out on accident that you NEED to know - REPOST

Hello everyone I have been doing a lot of studying lately and have found a plethora of information I see important that every American should know. I will not elaborate on everything as this letter wo...
Posted by Mat is a product on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 05:13:00 PST

Fucking with the votes has already begun and this is only the primaries! onduct-recount-of-presidential-primary/
Posted by Mat is a product on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 05:45:00 PST

Who is Barack Obama?

Who is Barack Obama?Probable U. S. presidential candidate, Barack Hussein Obama was born in Honolulu , Hawaii , to Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., a black MUSLIM from Nyangoma-Kogel , Kenya and Ann Dunham...
Posted by Mat is a product on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 08:21:00 PST

National Treasure

So Billie and I went out to olive garden and racked up a 55 dollar bill. We got wasted and headed out to watch National Treasure. The movie was great with lost of historical references like the first ...
Posted by Mat is a product on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 07:50:00 PST


Well I got to see Killwhitneydead finally after listening to them since 2001 and they not doing a show untill 2006. It was truely the best show I ever went to becides an Unearth show back in 1999 when...
Posted by Mat is a product on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 07:40:00 PST

I emailed Fox News and Arnold Schwarzenegger today

I watched a video today where a person filmed a fox news manager telling his camera men to film the crowd that was not supporting ron paul and to do a voice over. This pissed me off so I emailed them ...
Posted by Mat is a product on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 04:35:00 PST

This will sum everything up I have been talking about to all of you.

Hello everyone I have been doing a lot of studying lately and have found a plethora of information I see important that every American should know. I will not elaborate on everything as this letter wo...
Posted by Mat is a product on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 08:20:00 PST