Tara Nicole profile picture

Tara Nicole


About Me

i like a lot of random things.. I loveee to smile- i even smile at strangers (hehe katriona- u know what i mean!) i always have a smile on my face, some dont understand how i do it- but hey cmon its not hard- it takes more muscles in your face to frown then smile :). I'm very outgoing and veryyy easygoing all together with a touch of sarcasm and sentimental to throw on top. i swear i take everything to heart- i cry a lot and i expect my friends and people to treat me how i treat them.. I'm usually pretty hyper and upbeat even at 7 in the morning getting ready for school. Im always moving around because i can't sit still. even as a kid i rollerbladed in circles when i was "standing" around.. I'm ALWAYS singing and laughing and joking and talking or doing something... I'm a very kind person who loves to be a "good listener" and a good friend. talk to me about anything! i love it! Nothing makes me happier than a nice long shopping spree or seeing my babies in the morning for a little wake up call and a smile to start off the day. I'm a Taurus-Gemini Cusp so i have a little of both. I think im very unique in my own special way :)..i love taking pictures, even if its not my camera..i never take the same picture, i swear-- i come out different (like a whole nother person) in every picture...hehe.. i have the best friends in the world. i wouldnt trade them for anything- they are my life and my support (besides my mom). i like to party a lot... im always out and about over the weekend and during the week i like to chill.. my favorite alcoholic drink is champagne.. over the weekend you will see me with an empty bottle in my hand :)... I'm a hugeee perfectionist- i like things my way so i know they're "right" lol.. i play mommy most of the time yelling at my friends to go to class and stop being silly- but i only do it out of love :)-- yes they yell at me, but they'll thank me later.. i get really angry when someone isn't doing something up to their potential-- if you can do it do it 100% dammit!!! lets see... my favorite food is sushi- i eat it like 2-3 times a week - i can never say no... and i love bowling- drunk bowling on cheap nights (sun and tues) so ill probably be there on those nights.. ok HOLLER.. If you want to know more just ask.mmm... carnival cruise cocktail :)


Jessi-n-Tara Twins :) Party Hopping RULES! .. happy chris?? madd OLD SCHOOL!!!! i dont know why it took me so long to put a pic of wifey up on here THE BOYS!Y'bors Rocked!!!! Great Night!!before mansion w/ katriona mikey and david :)sibling love!!!
Get this video and more at MySpace.com

My Interests

Too many... I like a few sports including softball. I LOVE Dancing.. I danced at a dance school for 13 years and i still love going out to a club having a few drinks and a fun time dancing the night away and i still go to hip hop class.. gotta love it :)... I love working with children-- i want to be a teacher and like i said before nothing in the world makes me happier than to be with my little kiddies (even though they get me sick every other day). I like shopping when i have the money to spend especially on shoes, clothes, accessories... just about anything... i am a perfectionist in many ways.. i love my friends and good people... p.s. I AM AN EX-CIGARETTE SMOKER! since 07/02/05 :) goo mee

I'd like to meet:

Fun, outgoing, genuinely nice people... :)


just about anything n everything with a few exceptions.... if you tell me to put on a CD.. itll probably be a rap or hip hop CD.. however i have a lot of random mixes that have all sorts of different styles... there should never be just one type of music that you listen to... music is something to get caught up in whether something to take up sound in your ears or something that your actually interested in. lyrics that fill your everyday words. dancing around like no ones watching...gotta love it...


AHH MANY!!!.. CRUEL INTENTIONS is definitely my fav. , Scarface, Coyote Ugly, Kids, Camp Nowhere, The Girl Next Door, Blow, Half Baked, Requiem for a Dream, How High, Matrix, Pulp Fiction, Oceans Eleven, Wild Things, Idle Hands, Mrs. Doubtfire, Kill Bill, Resevoir Dogs, New York Minute, Freaky Friday, You Got Served, Basketball Diaries, Catch me if you can, Gone in 60 Seconds, many many more...


Don't watch much TV.. However.. im into Comedy Central, The O.C.!!!!!!!!,, Family Guy, Simpsons, 24 ( such a CUTE picture!!!! one of my bestest!!!HOLLER for drunk bowling!!!sexy bitches :)waiting in line for the bathroom at angela's party!!! so much fun!!!


.. ..

Should I Stay Semi Blonde or Go DarkeR??

View Results Powered by Pliner.Net Polls I LOVE DANE COOK!!!!!!!Take the quiz: "What type of kisser are you?"

Romantic kisser
This kind of kisser will be a good husband or wife.


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My Blog

Just a Reflection....

sooo... ive come to the conclusion that life is going wayyyyyyy tooo fast!!! i mean c'mon, it was just yesterday i was fillin out all those stupid scholarship applications and writing essays for the a...
Posted by Tara Nicole on Wed, 08 Feb 2006 08:18:00 PST

Wanna know what my EuRoTriP 05 was like???

Michele put it perfectly.... carrying tons and tons of bags all over the world.. traveling and listening to rock and roll. wandering the streets of paris followed by crazy vampires with birth m...
Posted by Tara Nicole on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

EuRoTriP 05!!!!

leaving for europe on saturday bitchezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...  going 2 six countries including Switzerland, Amsterdam (Netherlands), Germany (Munich), Italy (Milan and Venice), France (Paris and Marse...
Posted by Tara Nicole on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

NEW YORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yay!!! arrived in new york today at like 2 pm.... spending most of this week w/ the fam but get ready long island!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i will be there this weekend and my birthday is saturday!!! so get rea...
Posted by Tara Nicole on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Take it All Away

I won't talk I won't breathe I won't move till you finally see That you belong with me You might think I don't look But deep inside the corner of my mind I'm attatched to you mmmm I'm weak...
Posted by Tara Nicole on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


It's like you're a drug It's like you're a demon I can't face down It's like I'm stuck It's like I'm running from you all the time And I know I let you have all the power It's like the only compa...
Posted by Tara Nicole on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

yay survey timee

such a sucker 1. Who are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet? 4. How have I affected you? 5. What do you think of me? 6. What's the fondest memory you have of me? ...
Posted by Tara Nicole on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

VrOoM VrOoM!!!!!!!!

i got me a brand new car.. waitin in the driveway.. shining like a bright new star-- ive been wishin on it everyday.. to take me away from here.. AHHHHHHHH IM SOOOOOOOO HAPPYYYYYYYYY.... do you know h...
Posted by Tara Nicole on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Guys are stupid... what the fuck..... am sayin.... if i dont come on to you AT ALL and if i barely talk to you and if i dont flirt with you then WHY THE FUCK would you come on to me and try to kiss me...
Posted by Tara Nicole on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


ok... so im finally here at UCF... so far so good... my dorm room is really spacious and im really excited to finally start on monday... WISH ME LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Posted by Tara Nicole on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST