About Me
Jesse's Story is a film that highlights the life of Jesse Billauer. At 17, he was on the way to being the next biggest, baddest and best surfer in the world. He was out surfing Zuma beach North of Malibu when a wave he was riding on closed out and pushed him head first into a sand bar just under the surface. It happened so fast that he didn't have a chance to put his hands out to cushion the impact. His neck broke, severed his spinal cord and is now living life as a Quadrepeligic. Jesse's Story the movie will take audiences on a ride that will have them routing Jesse on to live out his dreams. Will he surf again? Will he get barrelled on one of the most dangerous waves in the world? Will he live out a dream to be as close to the intimidating Great White Shark? Will he drive a car again? Audiences will also understand what it takes to just wake up in the morning something we all take for granted. The entire film is musically motivated by artists: Jack Johnson, Ben Harper, Jackson Browne, Timmy Curran, Jason Mraz, The Red West, Slightly Stoopid, Incubus and many more.