Jammin profile picture


Learn to Live Together, and Live to Learn Together

About Me

A trip into my own imagination perhaps... I dunno, I just love to play. I've always got something to say, but it never comes out right, so my music let's me do that with ultimate freedom... man... I probably smoke too much, if there is such a thing. Think I could outsmoke a Rastafarian, but that's not the point. What was my point? I forgot.Music is my life. I eat, sleep and get high with music. Music gives me a joy like no other. We are all vibrations in the universal song!At the moment (this precise moment in time being 01:09 14/03/2007) I'm writing literally hundreds of songs and recording an iota of them. I'm trying to get a group of people together to help in this process, i.e. forming a band. Watch this space folks.....Did I mention I was a student? Being a student rules, and I don't care what anyone says! I'll probably regret that statement as soon as I'm not a student anymore...I write and record the songs myself, but my mission is to write and play with anyone i can. I want to hear you just as much as i want you to hear me! Enjoy the songs.SMALL UPDATE: Check out my blogs, they're vaugely interesting... and keep an eye on my upcoming shows... There's a lot of things in the pipeline!CHECK OUT THE NEW 'PIMPED' VERSION OF 'NEED A REASON', KINDLY REMASTERED BY MSX STUDIOS (They're in my top friends, check 'em out.)NEW DEMO/EP COMING VERY VERY SOON! Will be recording at the end of July and will finally have a shiny, lovely record to promote my ass with. Clubs and promoters beware, there's going to be a lot of my CD's coming your way! Will be looking for gigs in August/September. Also looking to finaly get a band together, with the imminent purchase of a set of V-drums I will finally have the rehearsal room in my house ready. Sorry neighbours!ENLIGHTEN YOURSELF: WATCH THESE VIDEOS: ENLIGHTEN YOURSELF: WATCH THESE FILMS:The War On Democracy - John Pilger Terrorstorm - Alex JonesAnd once you've swallowed them, try this - It'll absolutely blow your fucking mind. http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com Spare 2 hours to challenge your mind and what you believe. It'll be worth it ;)

My Interests


Member Since: 1/13/2007
Band Members: Me: Jammin (at the moment, there's a lot of tension, and I might kick myself out) : Acoustic & Electric guitar, Vox, Beat programming, mixing & producing, and I'll give any other instrument a whirl...
Influences: Everything from Classic Rock to Funky Breakbeats. Naming all my influences would take all night, but to give you some sort of clue... Pink Floyd, Blind Melon (RIP Shannon Hoon x), Alice in Chains and Mad Season, QOTSA, Israel Kamakawiwo'ole, Rae & Christain, Adam Freeland, Neil Young, Ben Harper, tha Gorillaz, Danger Mouse (will you be my producer?), The Prodigy, Nirvana... umm... Bill Hicks (Prophet & pants wettingly funny), Hunter S. Thompson (God & the greatest author ever), The Simpsons (my second parents), Franz Kafka and Haruki Murakami (The second best author ever)..... Got a bit sidetracked there didn't I? back to music: You've got to love Mr. Bungle... Sublime, Jethro Tull, Led Zeppelin, Jefferson Airplane, Cream, Otis Redding & pretty much all motown, Jimi H, Franz Liszt's piano concertos and so on. Basically, the past, present and future. I'm a product of the digital age, and a son of the hippy generation. ;)Oh, and of course, my favourite artist: Banksy. If you don't know who he is, check him out, he is truly a genius with a capital J...
Sounds Like: The work of genius trapped in a lazy man's body.
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

No-one’s in control.

Could it be that no-one is really in control anywhere, that things are very much out of control? Could it be that we are living in an unconcious anarchist society?
Posted by Jammin on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 06:58:00 PST

The Fog Has Gone

A ceaseless stream of people passig by.I Light a cigarretteand study the sky.Bittersweet tasteand a curious faceso much to seeso much to be.Like a jagged jigsawslipping togethermy mind gets sores inth...
Posted by Jammin on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 10:44:00 PST

Im done with it

Bah! I'm through playing their silly little game of Make Us Rich While We Fuck The Arse Of The World. I've lost my temper and I've picked up the board, thrown it out the window and the piece...
Posted by Jammin on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 04:47:00 PST

The Journey from Ignorance to Bliss

The Journey from Ignorance to Bliss By Ben Jenkins. I've been reading and watching a lot of disconcerting things recently. Things that have opened my eyes to an evil I didn't want to see. But I saw i...
Posted by Jammin on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 07:48:00 PST

Calling all nutters... where are you when we need you the most?

It's been nearly eight years of Nazi, sorry, Bush rule over in the states, and still nobody has assasinated him. Of all the presidents who have been (supposedly) killed by lone nutters, why does this ...
Posted by Jammin on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 07:35:00 PST

New lovely photos.

Check out my new lovely photos.  I took them in San Francisco, What a place.  I think I've brought back a little piece of it with me. But I'm too jetlagged to tell at them minute.... Just...
Posted by Jammin on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 09:43:00 PST

Joining the ranks of the TA

..> I'll soon be joining the ranks of the Tourist Army, because I'm flying over to the States to spend ten days in San Francisco.  Can't wait. I just hope, and I hope this every time I go ab...
Posted by Jammin on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 01:23:00 PST

Smoking Ban Blues

Can't smoke in Pubs anymore....what a drag (no pun intended!), we have been rejected, cast out of public places to huddle in shameful little circles on the streets to face the elements and t...
Posted by Jammin on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 01:22:00 PST

Chapter 2!!!!!

Please read the entry below before reading this one... This is the second chapter. :)   It was, by all accounts, just another ordinary office. It could have been any office anywhere on the planet...
Posted by Jammin on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 09:29:00 PST

This is the first chapter of my new Story, I'll post another chapter soon ;)

The headline of just about every newspaper on the entire planet that day:                "Scientist Discovers 'The True Meaning Of Life And ...
Posted by Jammin on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 07:08:00 PST