Spikes,Mohawks,freaks,tattoos,piercings,horror,horror movies,demons,vampires,witches,warlocks,leather,licking,suck ing,teasing, TEASING SOMEMORE,wetness,scratching,yumminess,Zim and Girr, Horror,horror movies ,makeup and FX,candles,videogames,cooking,swearing,drinking,smoking,drin king somemore..etc
No one imparticular personally at the moment but I 'll let you know if I do..
Misfits,Sex Pistols,Ramones,Union underground,Manson,Rammstein,And One,Wolfsheim,:\\//\\//:VNV Nation,Diary of Dreams,London After Midnight,Rob Zombie,PM5000,Typ o Negative,Danzig ,Samhain
Texas Chainsaw Massacre,George Romero's Dead Trilogy,Dead Alive,Carrie,Meet the Feebles,Nosferatu,CHildren of the Corn,Friday the 13th 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, Hellraiser 1 2 3, Requiem for A Dream,Very Bad Things,Pary Monster,Casino,Goodfellas,Taxi Driver,Fight Club,American History X..more... probably all horror I do like a lot of comedy though.
Frasier,Will and Grace,Everybody Loves Ramond,King of Queens,That 70's Show,Saprano's
Modern Witches Spellbook,Raymond Bucklands Guide to Witchcraft, Modern Drummer,(i knoe its a magazine but fuck it its my journal)and Cookbooks.(some)
John Henry Bonham