word games: I *love* Scrabble, Boggle, Bookworm, crosswords, wordfinds, wordracer, LINGO. Sudoku, surfing the web, reading, reading peoples' blogs (even strangers), hanging out with the family, eating cookies, reading, card making (greeting cards), playing Lego Star Wars on PS2 with Nathan
I'm drawing a blank.
Different stuff, no rap, country, or Polka... okay, maybe some Polka. I *heart* Michael Buble. Cibbo Matto, the Cure, 80's stuff, Venus Hum, stuff with great vocals and a good beat, Monkees (Mickey was my favorite), Stuff Nathan listens to (well, most of it).
LOTR series, Princess Diaries movies, Napoleon Dynamite, old Kung-Fu movies (especially anything with Jet Li or Jackie C), Little Mermaid & Aladdin (love those songs!), Princess Bride, various other movies that involve princesses and happily ever afters
Lost, Cosby Show re-runs, Monk, 30 minute meals
the Bible, anything by Mary Higgins Clark (I like a good mystery), Once Upon a Marigold, Love Among the Walnuts
Dr. Heathclifford Huxtable, MacGyver, Ralph Hinkley, Wicket