Barry Russo profile picture

Barry Russo

Paak your caa and stay for a bit

About Me

Hi! I'd like to thank you for stopping by and welcome you to my little corner here in the wonderful world of MySpace. First off, I suppose introductions are in order - I'm Barry, and as you've probably already figured out, I'm one of the many millions of songwriters and recording artists here on MySpace.
In 2005, I released my first solo CD, "These Are the Days," which was produced by Shay Watson of Nashville, TN (see my Top 8). I also have a new EP which is currently in the process of being mixed and mastered.
I consider myself blessed to be able to make music my full-time career. In doing so, I've met many wonderful and interesting people along the way. I truly feel that because of music, I have the opportunity to see the world in a manner that I ordinarily wouldn't be able to.
Paradox has always seemed to be the theme of my life, and never is it more apparent than in my music career. For example, so often, I perform until closing time in bars and nightclubs, only to find myself in church a mere few hours later playing and singing hymns.
One day of my life can take me to so many different places.
Anyhow, enough of my babbling about that. If you'd like to learn more about all that stuff, you can do so at my main artist website at
Every songwriter and recording artist has their story. Beyond the basic biographical details, there is also always a deeper story. Who they are as people. What drove them to write the songs they write. What their thoughts about the world around them are. What they feel inside. What they hope to accomplish during their time here on this spinning globe, and so forth.
Over time, I'd like to share my story and perspective with you here, through my music and also through other means, such as the blogs, etc.
My purpose is not just so that you can learn about me, but that we all can learn about ourselves and each other. Comments and blog replies are most welcomed and greatly encouraged!
What's really important about music is how it affects the listeners. What does it make them feel? How does it impact their lives?
I'd like this page to be a place where people can visit and then walk away feeling like their life has been touched in some way for the better, whether it be through the songs, the blogs, or the comments, thoughts, and reactions of other visitors to the page.
Whether the impact is something monumental, or perhaps just a slightly lifted spirit as you go about your day or night, I hope you enjoy your visit here! Don't forget to say hi in a comment or email before you leave.
If you'd like to learn more about my story and history, hear more music, get in on all the latest news that's fit to print, sign up for my newsletter, and/or find out how we can change the world, visit my website at

My Interests


Member Since: 5/1/2005
Band Website:
Influences: Howard Jones, Survivor, Phil Collins, Savage Garden, The Hooters, Billy Joel, Aha, Duran Duran, Styx, Journey, Toto, Richard Marx, Gary Barlow, Take That, Matchbox Twenty, plus many other artists such as Michael W. Smith, Mercy Me, Rich Mullins, Point of Grace, Rebecca St. James, Shaun Groves, Rita Springer....

Also many Baroque composers, such as Bach, Handel, Haydn, Clementi...

Basically anything melodic!

I'd also like to mention another talented musician and songwriter here who I have great respect for and who was a big part of the development of my music as co-writer and producer of "These Are the Days," my 2005 release: Shay Watson. Visit Shay Watson's My Space Profile.

Also, Join Shay Watson's My Space Fan Club.

And there's yet another talented songwriter who I am currently collaborating with: Greg Lato. Visit Greg Lato's My Space Profile

Let's see, anything else? Oh yeah, I think I watched the Flintstones enough to consider them some sort of an influence too.

Sounds Like: Me
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Churches and Bars

So here we are, wrapping up Cinco de Mayo.  Perhaps a fitting time for these thoughts? The other night I was asked an interesting question by a fellow musician who plays in a band that I was fill...
Posted by Barry Russo on Tue, 06 May 2008 10:24:00 PST

True Freedom

I'd like to share a powerful prayer that I was recently introduced to in a book by Kenneth Copeland entitled Freedom From Fear:Father, in the Name of Jesus, I ask You to open my eyes to any areas of ...
Posted by Barry Russo on Fri, 02 May 2008 02:15:00 PST

Its Time

"Shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you." (Isaiah 60:1 AMP)For some, the light comes very early on. For others, it takes many years of trudging through darkness....
Posted by Barry Russo on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 10:31:00 PST

Can Someone Explain This About Sports?

So this evening I signed onto MySpace and found this response from a reader of my Super Bowl blog:"I have to say, as a native New Yorker, I was stoked to see the Giants win. I am not a follower of fo...
Posted by Barry Russo on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 09:08:00 PST

Great Movie Quotes

I know it must seem like I talk about "life" a lot. Ha, guess it's a pretty big topic on my mind. Listen to most of my songs for a few seconds and you'll figure that out.So, as I sat here with a milli...
Posted by Barry Russo on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 09:51:00 PST

Super Bowl XLII: Life Lessons From a Football Game

So, like many people here in New England, I sat down to watch the Super Bowl, waiting to see history happen and watch the Patriots go 19-0 and cement their football immortality. Yep, it was gonna be t...
Posted by Barry Russo on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 10:07:00 PST

Breakfast at McDonalds

Someone sent me this story. It was part of one of those emails that ends with telling you to forward to so many people to get a wish granted. I think that's a lot of nonsense and usually delete those ...
Posted by Barry Russo on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 08:56:00 PST

Response To Question Regarding Church

I received this email the other night from a friend here on MySpace:"How do you deal with going to church? Me personally, I have been trying to go, but I don't feel right when I'm family exp...
Posted by Barry Russo on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 10:26:00 PST

Faith - In Response To a Question From a MySpace Friend

I opened up my inbox a little while ago and came across an email from a MySpace friend who wrote "I'm having trouble with my faith. What keeps you going?"If you knew how my night had gone, you'd be in...
Posted by Barry Russo on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 09:39:00 PST

Hot Chocolate a Few Decades From Now

Saw an old man walking by, full of pride, so dignifiedWhat'll it be like when age finds me?When I am looking back on my past will I laugh?And reminisce about the way I used to be?Don't want to be wond...
Posted by Barry Russo on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 09:34:00 PST