BooGie profile picture


Great, now I care about 2 girLs... alot...

About Me

What up My real name is Chris but everyone knows me as Boogie, I play basketball, I write raps, Im very flirtatious, YOu might either see me in Culver City or in the Jungles cause thats where me and my Homies be at :] And Yea I go 2 Culver City High School and I actually like it. Im coming from Dorsey HIgh School yeah Im going through alot of changes but Im happy for these changes cause they makin me a better person :] table table table td {vertical-align:top !

My Interests

The Homies

I'd like to meet:

The Reason I Smile...LoLz wat can I say about my wifey Carmen she makes me smile so yea haters get away shes mine mutha fuckaz =D




cartoon layout @ HOT

My Blog

My Homegirl Krsytyn Made a rap 4 me :)

I love you Boogie as if you were my brothaCause I know you aint a mutha fuckaIf any bitches mess with youthey have to mess with me tooEven though Im not a fighterMaybe its the chance I get mightierAnd...
Posted by Bòógie 4rm AcTiVe BoYz on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 12:06:00 PST

Boogies True Thoughs

Before you read I did write this This is hard to believe due to the fact how I act and talk sometimes but its just how I sort of hide it but in my mind I like to contridict myself and others but I cov...
Posted by Bòógie 4rm AcTiVe BoYz on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 08:05:00 PST

lol some shit I wrote in 8th grade, Byren probaly remmebers dis shit :)

It's like niggas rate the respect of who gat biggerBLaze been blowin' on purple stuff before that fat niggaHenny's make dollars, and dollars make death threatsI'm doin' remixes to bulletproof the Lex ...
Posted by Bòógie 4rm AcTiVe BoYz on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 01:02:00 PST

Snipes told me 2 do this lil freestyle he recorded it and I liked it lol so I decided 2 type it

[Snipes aka truth]man these bitches aint shit but hoes and tricks I tell em lick on the nuts and suck the dick! and get the fuck out after they done! tell Blaze 2 hurry up bringin the next 1and the n...
Posted by Bòógie 4rm AcTiVe BoYz on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 10:57:00 PST

Sorry 2 everyone!

well I'am sorry but somebody hacked into my account and startd postin negative shit about people and I would like 2 say sorry 4 anyone that got offended, the person tried deletin my pictures deleted s...
Posted by Bòógie 4rm AcTiVe BoYz on Sun, 07 May 2006 01:47:00 PST