This is my girl
she doesnt know how much i love her. i sometimes think she just wants to keep testing me.
Im getting this after I sell my car
2/25/07 ♥
something happened really fast and for reasons we might not ever know, but one day we talked. not in person or anything formal, but it urged us to meet in person. now im in a state of attraction and as i lay here in my mind i think 'why&how did this happen, i dont really care. because its probably one of the best things to ever happen to me'. it was when i met the person who made me feel secure, complete, and most of all.. happy.
i think her and everything she says is cute
she's all mine
so i know exactly how i feel about her, the hard part is putting those feelings into words. ive tried many times in my head and it never seems to work. shes basically the only thing right now that i even care about. she means everything. she's the reason i look forward to each day, she's the reason for having anything to reason about. i love this girl, this won't ever change
I LOVE YOU! emily