Everyone feels like this sometimes, they think the thing they should've said after they should've said it, or should've thrown a punch before the other person did.
I'm just drawing those feelings. I draw things, i dont claim to be screwed up, beaten down or a saviour of the downtrodden or anything, i just like drawing. it just so happens that enough people looked over my shoulder and said
"hey, thats not that bad" or
"thats absolutely manky"
that i decided to make a myspace.
I draw dreams Ive had, things I think would just be funny, things that have really influenced me - music, computer games, films, books, friends etc. - although sometimes what I drew just develops, I'll draw a line and itll keep going. Thats how some of the best ones started, just developing from a head turned in a specific direction.
The Name "VAG" came from a friend of mine; I had drawn a band playing on the wall of one of my schools music rooms.
turning to him, I asked:
"what should I call them?"
"I dunno, how about 'vadge'?"
considering this to be a good idea, I wrote VAG in the middle of the bass drum; assuming it to be just a funny joke.
It stuck.
If you message me or comment me ideas for a picture or just to say Hi I'll do my best to reply.
If you want to write about what i do, then thats just fine as well, i want to know where i screw up, and I know theres lots of ways in which i do.
I DO edit some pictures slightly, removing lines if they are drawn on lined paper, or smudges from fingerprints if they are in pencil. But all pictures still convey what i intended them to, and hell, they are mine anyway.
i hope you enjoy yourself here and if you dont, then ill draw something you like, if you ask politely.
Good sweet motherloving jesus I hope you don't consider me conceited. :)