Li profile picture


I'm a fire sign, won't you feel my solar power?

About Me

I'm an easy going gay anime/manga fanboy who loves reading and making art! sounds so generic when i say it like that... I love industrial music and trance and a lot of random pop shit but bands shouldn't define you i guess... LEMME TRY THIS AGAIN. hi i'm li and i'm here to wash your vagina NO!.... I'm a 22 year old leo living in Birmingham alabama and i go to uab right now (woo blazers or someshit). i really like octopi and i am very into h.p. lovecraft and many other horror writers from around that time. i'm kindof introverted but joke around a lot and am very silly when properly induced or just when the mood catches me. i love to grill out with friends and am trying to be a better baker among other things. man.. your life seems so small when you try and write it out. @_@~!Name: Li Sherling aka Tako Tak Takokami Birthdate: 8.9.83 Birthplace: Birmingham, AL Current Location: Birmingham, AL Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Brown Height: 6'4 Weight: 185 Piercings: nevar! Tatoos: will have one after 8.9.07 Boyfriend: Yep, he's hot too lol Overused Phraze: "Your mother sucks cocks in hell" FAVORITES Food: Curry and sushi are my favorites Candy: not that into the sugars Number: math is hard Color: Blue Animal: Octopus Drink: COFFEEEE Alcohol Drink: Makers mark and coke Bagel: whole grain with cream cheese, everyday Letter: this is stupid Body Part on the same sex: eyes, jawline, legs This or That Pepsi or Coke: COKE, pepsi is for homeless people McDonalds or BurgerKing: burger king if i HAD TO HAVE IT Strawberry or Watermelon: Strawberry Chocolate or Vanilla : Chocolate Hot Chocolate or Coffee: FRIGGIN COFFEE MOTHERFUCKER Kiss or Hug: hugs i hug alot. Dog or Cat: CATS Rap or Punk: rap Summer or Winter: Winter Scary Movies or Funny Movies: SCARY, i dislike comedies Love or Money: Without a doubt, love YOUR... Bedtime: 2:00am-3:00am Most Missed Memory: there have been so many good memories i can't really choose Best phyiscal feature: eyes First Thought Waking Up: What kind of world is this? Best Friends: Henry, Andy, Preston Fears: Heights and Spiders Heritage: English mostly Longest relationship: ummm... that depends HAVE YOU... Ever Drank: Yes. Ever Smoked: Yes. Pot: Yes. Ever been Drunk: Yes Ever been beaten up: noooo Ever beaten someone up: nevar! Ever Shoplifted: Yes Ever Skinny Dipped: No Ever Kissed Opposite sex: no Been Dumped Lately: No IN A GUY/GIRL Favorite Eye Color: blue Favorite Hair Color: brown Short or Long: shorter is better Height: shorter than me, people taller than me freak me out a little. Style: Whatever's fitting. Looks or Personality: Personality over looks. a guy does not turn me on unless i know he is a good caring honest person Hot or Cute Hot, or cute.. cute Drugs and Alcohol: if they want to but they better control themselves Muscular or Really Skinny: i don't like men with too many muscles RANDOMS Number of Regrets in the Past: not really What country do you want to Visit: i dunno.. Japan? i really like america How do you want to Die: extremely old age Been to the Mall Lately: nope, who needs malls when you have the internet? Do you like Thunderstorms: Love. Until they fuck with my electronics. Get along with your Parents: Yes Do you think your Attractive: not too shabby Believe in Yourself: Yep. Want to go to College: lol Do you Smoke: nope Do you Drink: a little bit Shower Daily: maybe Been in Love: once Do you Sing: when i feel like it Want to get Married: yes Do you want Children: yes Have your future kids names planned out: Eva if it's a girl and if it's a boy Nathan Age you wanna lose your Virginity: who is this survey made for? Hate anyone: I try not too, when you hate something it becomes a part of you and makes you ugly

My Interests

algernon blackwood, and one, anime, apoptygma berzerk, autumn's grey solace, azumanga daioh, azure ray, batman, beer, berserk, bjork, caffine, CAPTAIN HARLOCK, chrno crusade, clamp, cockrings, COFFEE, covenant, cowboy bebop, cthulhu, cuddling, de/vision, dead can dance, depeche mode, die buster, din fiv, diorama, dubok, ebm, electro, elijah wood, eva, final fantasy, front line assembly, gackt, gankutsou, gantz, gay love, getbackers, ghibli, ghost in the shell, gonzo, GOTHIC HORROR, guilty gear xx, gungrave, H.P. LOVECRAFT, haujobb, hellsing, industrial, informatic, invader zim, iris, kenshin, kill bill, kinniku otoko, kyou kara maou, l'ame immortelle, lain, lord dunsany, lovecraft, lube, macross zero, MADHOUSE, mahou, mahou shoujo tai, malice mizer, manga, MASANORI, men, miyazaki, naruto, neuroticfish, new order, octopi, ohgr, one piece, panda z, pandas, peacemaker kurogane, pocky, poe, project pitchfork, ramune, read or die, rg veda, samurai champloo, seabound, sean bean, sergent keroro, shakira, showgirls, skinny puppy, soul caliber, squaresoft, studio 4c, t.o.y., TAKASHI MATSU, tenshi ni narumon, the azoic, the cure, the smiths, trespassers william, trigun, utada hikaru, utena, vampire hunter d, velvet acid christ, vnv nation, voltaire, wolf's rain, wolfsheim, wumpscut, x, xxxholic, yaoi, yaoi doujinshi, yoko kanno, murakami, yami no matsuei, saiyuki, ergo proxy, loveless, malice dolls, gaikuen heaven, noiseman sound insect. The meloncholy of suzumiya haruhi and MUSHISHI!! Welcome to the N.H.K, shit-tons of anime (never enough)

I'd like to meet:

interesting people who think art is more importaint than football (they are hard to find here) or just some whitty humorous online friends, prefferably art whores like myself. well really i'm an art slut. whores get paid. i'll get there one day. wait this section is not about me.....


see interests for more~! albums- The Cure-Disintegration; VNV Nation-Empires; Seabound-No Sleep Demon; The Azoic-Forward; Skinny Puppy-Too Dark Park; Ohgr-Welt; Project Pitchfork-Daimonion; Iris-Disconnect; Dead Can Dance-Toward the Within; Sasha-Airdrawndagger; Wumpscut-Wreath of Barbs Tiesto-Just Be Wolfsheim-Spectators Combichrist - Everybody Hates You


American Psycho, Session 9, Sin City, Kill Bill, Pulp Fiction, The Machinist, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Donnie Darko, and Brokeback Mountain. thats pretty much it as far as live action goes. the anime list would get crazy so i'm just gonna leave that out of this


South Park, The Simpsons, AQUA TEEN HUNGER FORCE


LOVECRAFT. Algermon Blackwood, Lord Dunsany's a dreamer's tale etc..., and allmost every anne rice book.

My Blog


WHY I HATE THE NEW SUPERMAN MOVIE!  for a long time people would ask me why I disliked it so much when everyone seems to love it. Apart from the fact that it was an extremely dry and souless...
Posted by Li on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 01:15:00 PST


well i realized that i never ever blog on myspace just cause. and i am not about to eather~! i like my livejournal so go there if you want info about the going ons of my life the truth is in the gas c...
Posted by Li on Wed, 22 Feb 2006 09:19:00 PST

wark wark wark

woowoo i got a new pretty background for this thing! now if only i could get it to play my music....  i wanna start blogging here cause it is prettier than my lj but i dunnoooo. oh and i took off...
Posted by Li on Tue, 15 Nov 2005 11:52:00 PST

sunday night questions

this site is very involved,   better than facebook though that site is teh suck to blog or not to blog..  i like my livejournal better but no one reads it. it is all pretty and stuff,&n...
Posted by Li on Mon, 07 Nov 2005 10:31:00 PST

there's too much noise.. all the signals seem to fade away

hi i'm li this is my first time on myspace thought peoiple have been trying to get me to join for years! i currently a student at uab studying grphic design. i am a hardcore anime/manga fan/artist...
Posted by Li on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST