River Days. Short wave radio. Downward Facing Dog. Heirloom Tomatoes. Hungarian Babies. Rummikub late into the night.
20-year-old Jesse Maggrah of Red Deer, Alberta, after being hit by a train while walking along-side the railroad tracks listening to heavy metal on his portable CD player:"I was just walking and then I was on the ground. I wasn't sure what happened. Then I saw the train stopping up ahead. I thought, 'Holy crap, dude, you just got hit by a train.... Maybe the metal gods above were smiling on me and they didn't want one of their true warriors to die on them. Otherwise, I'd be up there in the kingdom of steel."
!!!!WATUSI ZOMBIE!!!!!Hanz Haz. Old Hanz. The Fucking Champs. Sloy. Slint.Francoiz Breut. Twins. El Guapo. Harry Pussy. Sonic Youth. The Sword. Order of the Gash. The North Atlantic. Early Man. Do Make Say Think. Anon Remora!!! Dean Martin. Throbbing Gristle. Rabbits. Berg Sans Nipple. Sabbath. White Magic. Serge Gainsbourg. ..
Last Life In The Universe. The Idiots. Wild at Heart. What About Bob. Breathless. Holy Mountain. Warhol's Lonesome Cowboys. Grey Gardens. Heavy Metal Parking Lot.The Ruling Class. & God Created Woman. Zombie (Shark versus scuba diver versus zombie versus shark! Yes! More! More!). My Life As A Dog. Some Troma. Rushmore. Our Lost marathon is about to kill me.
mostly David Foster Wallace,Camus,Pynchon, Brautigan, Michael Chabon,Cohens poetry, Italo Calvino. glossy magazines. I officially hate Flaubert.
Buckminster Fuller. Jimmy Carter.Collectors & Dreamers & Drinkers.