Member Since: 1/12/2007
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Theatrical works
Zinn has been the playwright for three plays, including Daughter of Venus (1985), his first play.
Zinn's second play, Emma, is based on the life of the early 20th century anarchist Emma Goldman. Goldman, an anarchist, feminist, and free-spirited thinker was exiled from the United States because of what was perceived as radical and dangerous viewpoints, including her staunch opposition to World War I. As Zinn writes in his Introduction, Emma Goldman 'seemed to be tireless as she traveled the country, lecturing to large audiences everywhere, on birth control (‘A woman should decide for herself’), on the falsity of marriage as an institution (‘Marriage has nothing to do with love’), on patriotism (‘the last refuge of a scoundrel’) on free love (‘What is love if not free?’), and also on drama, including Shaw, Ibsen, and Strindberg'.
His most recent is Marx in Soho, a play on history that has been continuously performed [22]to encouraging reviews[23] [24]in small theaters throughout the United States, with Brian Jones in the title role starting in 1999 through 2005. In February 2005, Bob Weick took on the title role in a traveling tour. Details of the traveling tour are at Iron Age Theatre.
Books Written or Edited by Howard Zinn
* Artists in Times of War (2003) ISBN 1-58322-602-8
* The Cold War & the University: Toward an Intellectual History of the
Postwar Years (Noam Chomsky (Editor) Authors: Ira Katznelson[25], R. C.
Lewontin, David Montgomery, Laura Nader, Richard Ohmann[26], Ray
Siever, Immanuel Wallerstein, Howard Zinn (1997) ISBN 1-56584-005-4
* Declarations of Independence: Cross-Examining American Ideology (1991) ISBN 0-06-092108-0 [27]
* Disobedience and Democracy: Nine Fallacies on Law and Order (1968, re-issued 2002) ISBN 0-89608-675-5
* Emma: A Play in Two Acts About Emma Goldman, American Anarchist (2002) ISBN 0-89608-664-X
* Failure to Quit: Reflections of an Optimistic Historian (1993) ISBN 0-89608-676-3
* The Future of History: Interviews With David Barsamian (1999) ISBN 1-56751-157-0
* Hiroshima: Breaking the Silence (1995) ISBN 1-884519-14-8
* Howard Zinn On Democratic Education Donaldo Macedo, Editor (2004) ISBN 1-59451-054-7
* Howard Zinn on History (2000) ISBN 1-58322-048-8
* Howard Zinn on War (2000) ISBN 1-58322-049-6
* Justice in Everyday Life: The Way It Really Works (Editor) (1974) ISBN 0-89608-677-1
* Justice? Eyewitness Accounts (1977) ISBN 0-8070-4479-2
* La Otra Historia De Los Estados Unidos (2000) ISBN 1-58322-054-2
* LaGuardia in Congress (1959) ISBN 0-8371-6434-6, ISBN 0-393-00488-0
* Marx in Soho: A Play on History (1999) ISBN 0-89608-593-7
* New Deal Thought (editor) (1965) ISBN 0-87220-685-8
* Passionate Declarations: Essays on War and Justice (2003) ISBN 0-06-055767-2
* The Pentagon Papers Senator Gravel Edition. Vol. Five. Critical Essays. Boston. Beacon Press, 1972. 341p. plus 72p. of Index to Vol. I-IV of the Papers, Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, editors
* Playbook by Maxine Klein, Lydia Sargent and Howard Zinn (1986) ISBN 0-89608-309-8
* A People's History of the Civil War: Struggles for the Meaning of Freedom by David Williams, Howard Zinn (Series Editor) (2005) ISBN 1-59558-018-2
* A People's History of the United States: 1492–Present (1980), revised (1995) ISBN 0-06-052837-0
* A People's History of the United States: Teaching Edition Abridged (2003 updated) ISBN 1-56584-826-8
* A People's History of the United States: The Civil War to the Present Kathy Emery Ellen Reeves Howard Zinn (2003 teaching edition) ISBN 1-56584-725-3
* A People's History of the United States: The Wall Charts by Howard Zinn and George Kirschner (1995) ISBN 1-56584-171-9
* The People Speak: American Voices, Some Famous, Some Little Known (2004) ISBN 0-06-057826-2
* The Politics of History (1970) (2nd edition 1990) ISBN 0-252-06122-5
* Postwar America: 1945–1971 (1973) ISBN 0-89608-678-X
* The Power of Nonviolence: Writings by Advocates of Peace Editor (2002) ISBN 0-8070-1407-9
* SNCC: The New Abolitionists (1964) ISBN 0-89608-679-8
* The Southern Mystique (1962) ISBN 0-89608-680-1
* Terrorism and War (2002) ISBN 1-58322-493-9 (interviews, Anthony Arnove (Ed.))
* The Twentieth Century: A People's History (2003) ISBN 0-06-053034-0
* Three Strikes: Miners, Musicians, Salesgirls, and the Fighting Spirit of Labor's Last Century (Dana Frank, Robin Kelley, and Howard Zinn) (2002) ISBN 0-8070-5013-X
* Vietnam: The Logic of Withdrawal (1967) ISBN 0-89608-681-X
* Voices of a People’s History of the United States (with Anthony Arnove, 2004) ISBN 1-58322-647-8
* You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train: A Personal History of Our Times (1994) ISBN 0-8070-7127-7
* The Zinn Reader: Writings on Disobedience and Democracy (1997) ISBN 1-888363-54-1
Forewords and introductions by Howard Zinn
* A Gigantic Mistake by Mickey Z, (2004) ISBN 1-930997-97-3
* A People's History of the Supreme Court by Peter H. Irons (2000) ISBN 0-14-029201-2
* A Political Dynasty In North Idaho, 1933-1967 by Randall Doyle (2004) ISBN 0-7618-2843-5
* American Political Prisoners: Prosecutions Under the Espionage and Sedition Acts by Stephen M. Kohn (1994) ISBN 0-275-94415-8
* American Power and the New Mandarins by Noam Chomsky (2002) ISBN 1-56584-775-X
* Broken Promises Of America: At Home And Abroad, Past And Present: An Encyclopedia For Our Times by (Douglas F. Dowd (2004) ISBN 1-56751-313-1
* Deserter From Death: Dispatches From Western Europe 1950-2000 by Daniel Singer (2005) ISBN 1-56025-642-7
* Ecocide of Native America: Environmental Destruction of Indian Lands and Peoples by Donald Grinde, Bruce Johansen (1994) ISBN 0-940666-52-9
* Eugene V. Debs Reader: Socialism and the Class Struggle by William A. Pelz (2000) ISBN 0-9704669-0-0
* From a Native Son: Selected Essays in Indigenism, 1985–1995 by Ward Churchill (1996) ISBN 0-89608-553-8
* Green Parrots: A War Surgeon's Diary by Gino Strada, (2005) ISBN 88-8158-420-4
* Hijacking Catastrophe: 9/11, Fear And The Selling Of American Empire by Sut Jhally editor, Jeremy Earp editor, (2004) ISBN 1-56656-581-2
* If You're Not a Terrorist…Then Stop Asking Questions! by Micah Ian Wright, (2004) ISBN 1-58322-626-5
* Iraq: The Logic of Withdrawal by Anthony Arnove, (2006) ISBN 978-1-59558-079-5
* Life of an Anarchist: The Alexander Berkman Reader by Alexander Berkman Gene Fellner, editor, (2004) ISBN 1-58322-662-1
* Long Shadows: Veterans' Paths to Peace by David Giffey editor, (2006) ISBN 1-89185-964-9
* Masters of War: Latin America and United States Aggression from the Cuban Revolution Through the Clinton Years by Clara Nieto, Chris Brandt (trans) (2003) ISBN 1-58322-545-5
* Peace Signs: The Anti-War Movement Illustrated by James Mann, editor (2004) ISBN 3-283-00487-0
* Silencing Political Dissent: How Post-9-11 Anti-terrorism Measures Threaten Our Civil Liberties by Nancy Chang, Center for Constitutional Rights (2002) ISBN 1-58322-494-7
* Soldiers In Revolt: GI Resistance During The Vietnam War by David Cortright, (2005) ISBN 1-931859-27-2
* Sold to the Highest Bidder: The Presidency from Dwight D. Eisenhower to George W. Bush by Daniel M. Friedenberg (2002) ISBN 1-57392-923-9
* The Autobiography of Abbie Hoffman Intro by Norman Mailer, Afterword by HZ (2000) ISBN 1-56858-197-1
* The Case for Socialism by Alan Maass, (2004) ISBN 1-931859-09-4
* The Forging of the American Empire: From the Revolution to Vietnam, a History of U.S. Imperialism by Sidney Lens (2003) ISBN 0-7453-2101-1
* The Higher Law: Thoreau on Civil Disobedience and Reform by Henry David Thoreau Wendell Glick, editor, (2004) ISBN 0-691-11876-0
* The Iron Heel by Jack London, (1971) ISBN 0-143-03971-7
* The Sixties Experience: Hard Lessons about Modern America by Edward P. Morgan, (1992) ISBN 1-56639-014-1
* You Back the Attack, We'll Bomb Who We Want by Micah Ian Wright, (2003) ISBN 1-58322-584-6
Compact discs
* A People's History of the United States (1999)
* Artists in the Time of War (2002)
* Heroes & Martyrs: Emma Goldman, Sacco & Vanzetti, and the Revolutionary Struggle (2000)
* Stories Hollywood Never Tells (2000)
* You Can't Blow Up A Social Relationship - split CD featuring Zinn talks and noted indie rock band Resident Genius (Thick Records) (2005)
Online interviews and video
* Interview with Zinn for Guernica Magazine (
* What the left thinks: Howard Zinn, Part I, interview with Dennis Prager (September 12, 2006)
* Transcript ofPBS interview by Bill Moyers (January 10, 2003)
* C-SPAN Book TV In Depth (3-hour interview)
* Interview with Howard Zinn on Air America Radio's The Majority Report (April 16th, 2004)
* "The Myth of American Exceptionalism" (April 13, 2005) Videolecture published by MIT World and sponsored by MIT SPURS/Humphrey Program.
* Public Reading of A People's History of the United Stateswith Howard Zinn, Jeff Zinn,[28] James Earl Jones, Harris Yulin, Andre Gregory, Marisa Tomei, Danny Glover, Myla Pitt, Kurt Vonnegut, Alfre Woodard, Alice Walker
* Interviewed by David Barsamian (November 11, 1992)
* Gray Matters Interviews Howard Zinn (December 3, 1998)
* Interview by Harry Kreisler (April 20, 2001)
* Interview by Robert Birnbaum at (April 3, 2003)
* January 23, 2005. Media Matters WILL-AM
* April 23, 2006. Media Matters WILL-AM
* A-Infos Radio Project: Talks by Howard Zinn
* 1996 Interview on the death penalty
* interview (September 9, 2005) — Compares U.S. wars in Iraq and Vietnam.
* Amy Goodman: Conversations with Howard Zinn on Democracy Now! (1997–2005), based on a compilation at
* December 17, 2006. Media Matters WILL-AM
o "A special hour-long conversation: To Be Neutral, To Be Passive In A Situation Is To Collaborate With Whatever Is Going On" (April 27, 2005)Interview with Amy Goodman
o "Bush Represents Everything That Martin Luther King Opposed" (January 20, 2005)[29]
o "If young people going to school knew the history of American expansion, first on the continent and then in the world, and if they knew the history of lies and the history of massacres that took place alongside this expansion, nobody would go to a recruiting station to sign up for any war - nobody." - (January 6, 2005) The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
o "Reaction to John Kerry's Concession and the Reelection of George W Bush" (November 3, 2004)[30]
o "Nader vs. Anybody But Bush: A Debate on Ralph Nader's Candidacy" (October 26, 2004)[31]
o "Candidates Not Addressing Fundamental Issues of American Policy" in the World"(October 14, 2004)[32]
o "Revolutionary Non-Violence: Remembering Dave 5-2004" (May 27, 2004)[33]
o "Labor Day Special: Howard Zinn on Occupied Iraq, the Role of Resistance Movements, Government Lies and the Media" (September 1, 2003)[34]
o "Independence Day Special: A Dramatic Reading of 'A People's History of the United States' with James Earl Jones, Alfre Woodard, Kurt Vonnegut, Danny Glover, Harris Yulin and others"(July 4, 2003) [35]
o "Howard Zinn and Arundhati Roy: A Conversation Between Two Leading Social Critics" (May 28, 2003)[36]
o "Howard Zinn Talks About Bombs, Terrorism, the Anti-War Movement and the Bush Administration's Impending War On Iraq" (February 25, 2003) [37]
o "People's History of the United States, 1,000,000 Copies and Counting: Alice Walker, Danny Glover, Kurt Vonnegut, Marisa Tomei and Others Celebrate Howard Zinn's Classic" (February 25, 2003)[38]
o "Renowned Historian Howard Zinn On the History of Government and Media Lies in Time of War" (February 13, 2003)[39]
o "President Bush Takes the Nation to the Brink of War and Defends American Empire in His State of the Union Address; Simultaneously, He Tries to Prove He Cares About the Economy" (January 29, 2003)[40]
o "Over 600 Gather for the Funeral of Legendary Anti-War Activist Philip Berrigan in Baltimore: We Hear From Historian Howard Zinn and Brendan Walsh, Who Co-Founded Viva House, a Catholic Worker House in Baltimore"(December 10, 2003)[41]
o "Howard Zinn On the History of the US Government and CIA 'Changing Regimes' Around the World" (November 28, 2003)[42]
o "Saying No to War: From Boston to Washington, D.C. to Madison, Wisconsin, We Hear From Howard Zinn, Medea Benjamin and Others" (October 29, 2003)[43]
o "Congress Holds Joint Session in New York for First Time in 200 Years" (September 6, 2003)[44]
o "The People's Historian" (June 21, 2002)[45]
o "Reflections On 9/11 and Beyond" (March 11, 2002)[46]
o "Where Are We Heading: Terrorism, Global Security, and the Peace Movement": During a Time Ofseemingly Endless War, We'll Hear From Radical Historian Howard Zinn" (February 22, 2002)[47]
o "As Bush Delivers His First State of the Union Address, Democracy Now! Convenes a Shadowcongress to Respond" (January 30, 2002)[48]
o "As Pacifica Stations WBAI, KPFK and WPFW Continue to Censor Democracy Now!, a Medley of The Voices That Pacifica Has Refused to Air Since September 11" (January 8, 2002)[49]
o "Howard Zinn Speaks On the US War Against Afghanistan, US Wars Gone By, and the Prospects for a Humane US Foreign Policy" (Part II) (October 22, 2001)[50]
o "Howard Zinn Speaks On the US War Against Afghanistan, US Wars Gone By, and the Prospects for a Humane US Foreign Policy" (Part I) (October 22, 2001)[51]
o "Manning Marable, Howard Zinn and Grace Paley Speak Out Against the Bush Administration'smarch to War" (September 13, 2001)[52]
o "Pearl Harbor: The Corporatization of History" (Part II) (Wednesday, May 30, 2001)[53]
o "The Electoral College and Election 2000: A Historical Perspective From Howard Zinn" ( December 8, 2000) [54]
o "American History Review of the 20th Century: Manning Marable and Howard Zinn" (December 27, 1999)[55]
o "A People's History of the United States" (May 18, 1999)[56]
o "Historian Howard Zinn Discusses Mergers" of two oil giants Exxon and Mobil (December 7, 1998)[57]
o "Historian Zinn Addresses Nation's Censored Reports" (May 13, 1998)[58][59]
o "Howard Zinn Ate my Children" (November 13, 1984) [60]
o "Columbus Day Broadcast: A Talk by Howard Zinn" (October 13, 1997) [61]
Sounds Like: A People's History
As a historian, Zinn found that the point of view expressed in traditional history books was often limited. He created a historical text, A People's History of the United States with the goal to provide other perspectives of American history. The text depicts the struggles of Native Americans against European and U.S. conquest and expansion, slaves against slavery, unionists and other workers against capitalists, women against patriarchy, African-Americans against racism and for civil rights, and others whose stories are not often told in mainstream histories.
In the years since the first edition of A People's History was published in 1980, it has been assigned reading both as a high school and college textbook, and is one of the most widely known examples of critical pedagogy.
In the spring of 2003, to commemorate the sale of the millionth copy of A People's History, a dramatic reading from the book was held at the 92nd Street Y in New York City. The reading featured Danny Glover, Andre Gregory, James Earl Jones, actress Myla Pitt, Marisa Tomei, Kurt Vonnegut, Alice Walker, Alfre Woodard, Harris Yulin, Jeff Zinn, producing artistic director of the Wellfleet Harbor Actors Theater [10], and Howard Zinn as narrator. The event was aired on Democracy Now!, hosted by Amy Goodman, and is online at Democracy Now The program was also released as a book and CD under the title, The People Speak: American Voices, Some Famous, Some Little Known.
Interwoven with commentary by Zinn, both the book and the dramatic reading upon which the newer book is based, includes passages from Zinn's research in A People's History of the United States on Christopher Columbus on the Arawaks; Plough Jogger, a farmer and participant in Shays' Rebellion; Harriet Hanson, a Lowell mill worker; Frederick Douglass; Mark Twain; Mother Jones; Emma Goldman; Helen Keller; Eugene V. Debs; Langston Hughes; Genova Johnson Dollinger on a sit-down strike at General Motors in Flint, Michigan; an interrogation from a 1953 HUAC hearing; Fannie Lou Hamer, a sharecropper and member of the Freedom Democratic Party; Malcolm X; and James Lawrence Harrington, a Gulf War resister, among others.
In 2004, Zinn published Voices of A People's History of the United States with Anthony Arnove. Voices expands on the concept and provides a large collection of dissident voices in long form. The book is intended as a companion to A People's History and parallels its structure.
In December of 2006, Professor Zinn was invited to speak at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. The hour long presentation was featured on Democracy Now! and is available in video format from Archive.Org [11]
Zinn was a consultant to the six-part documentary A People's History of the United States [12], a television series produced by Alvin H. Perlmutter. According to the documentary's website, the series is expected to be broadcast in early 2007.
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Indie