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Lucifer Mars

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Greetings, I am Lucifer Mars; High Priest of the Temples of Ares, Horus, & Mars; Wizard of the Oracle of Mars; and ForthWizard of the Church of Mars, the Anti-Christian, Anti-Religion.
I am Mars Incarnate because my spirit is that of Mars, the Roman god of War from nearly 3000 years ago. I have also been known as the Egyptian god Horus, and the Greek Ares, among others. I have expounded upon the secrets of the gods elsewhere, in the Lucifereum for one, but none of that really matters now. What is important to know, is that we all reincarnate over and over; endlessly. Whats more, we are all immortal and can all be gods with our memories "saved". I have been raised to awareness by GOD's hand for his purpose, because it is the birthright of my spirit. The purpose is to show you all how you can become immortal gods. The only difference between a man and a god is that a god remembers his past lives. But I don't expect anyone to take my word for it; I am going to prove it, very soon...
I know that I have lived many times before, and I know that I will live again. I can see my death upon the horizon, but maybe a lot of people can see this coming, what with the way I condemn christianity, and my success with spreading my words to thousands of people around the globe. I will be murdered by a christian who has been tricked by the lies and believes in his heart that he is doing the right thing. He will probably think me the Anti-christ.
But I can also see my spontaneous return via reincarnation within 3 years of my death. GOD has promised me that by giving my life to Him, and for Him, He will reward me by saving my memories for my next life, His true gift of immortality. As such when I return I will prove to the world that christianity is a lie and be able to "set things straight".
I was the human sacrifice which gave power and authority to the creator of the beast, and I will be the final martyr when I am caught in the snares he has laid out for me. What he didn't know when he laid the snares for me is that I would be counting on them being there. When he successfully gets me killed after GOD has chosen and redeemed me, and I am innocent, forthcoming and truthful; full power will be given unto me that I may slay the beast once and for all. Now it is too late for him to recall the snares if he wanted too, because he has lost power over the beast which he created. But instead of coming forth with the truth he is busy attempting to magically lay more snares, inspiring stories of aliens tricking people into reincarnating in some sort of evil plot and such.
"Lucifer fell because he was vain and he wanted to make himself the most powerful God..." I used to disagree with this, because it is not even in the bible, it is a christian myth. But I do know that most stories called "mythology" are actually allegorically correct, apparently even christian myths. I now realize how true this one is; it's just incomplete... "Lucifer fell because he was vain and he wanted to make himself the most powerful God; and he would need much temperance, to remove all vanity before he could become the God he desired to be. He knew he would fall and indeed took the necessary steps to ensure that he fell further then any ever had fallen before, or would ever be able to in the future. The deepest depths of hell were reached, and therefore so shall the greatest heights be reached. Only by first descending can you once again ascend. The higher you rise the further you can fall, and the further you fall the higher you can then rise. It is not for himself that Lucifer rises, it is for the love of his spirit family which includes the entire world; We are all one."
The Antichrist Devil also didn't expect the truth of, and about the Martyrs. In the end the world will insist on verity, the raised martyrs have a huge influence as they are wise and will not be decieved by lies, as they have already died once rather than submit to the liar. There are 144,000 of them throughout the world, all of whom were murdered in their previous existance by ruthless bloodthirsty christians for refusing to accept the lie back then, when everyone else drank from the cup of GOD's wrath to save their lives for fear of the christian sword. They didn't know the whole truth back then either, which is mentioned in the bible Old Testament that the whole truth has never been revealed to man and won't be until the end. This is the meaning of the little book in the book of Revelations which was not revealed and shut until the end. That is my book, and most of it is already posted online scattered amongst my websites. The nice thing about the internet is that everything is permanantly archived and verity is treasured.
I neither have nor seek followers, though I do have many, many watchers. There are many around the world who seem to have at least somewhat correctly intrepreted the prophecies, and are expecting someone similar to me to arrive and take control and fix the world. They too reject me, for one reason or another, but they continue to watch me because no one else has yet come forth. Also many of the returned Martyrs find me because I say many things which they know to be true, but they all take exception with some of the things which I say, particularly that I am the Chosen One. It was prophesied throughout the Old Testament that the Chosen One would be rejected by man. The only ones who have acknowledged me are some of my closest spirit family, including my sons, some of which have already been returned to me as prophesied in the bible book of Isaiah.
If I did have followers I would fit the christians profile of the "Anti-christ". But that could never happen, I could never have the millions of followers that they attribute to the "Anti-christ" as I condemn All religions in the end and nobody wants to follow someone who tells them that they are wrong.
My Church does not accept membership, it consists of me. It is the first example of the Universal Church of the future. When I die it will be held for me by a temporary Director titled High Wizard of the Universal Church of Mars, and named in my will. You cannot follow me by claiming or using my name, nor can you follow me by attempting to do what I am doing, much less so by attempting to emulate my travails. The closest you can come to following me is to turn to GOD and find your own path, which He will set before you, and follow it.
If you want to be saved then you must perfect yourself, you cannot continue to do bad things and ask for forgiveness daily and expect to be taken seriously. Final judgement gives no preference to name droppers, and religion weighs heavy against you for you may become accountable for all the past and present works of your chosen religion; particularly if you sell you chosen belief as if it were a known fact, and convince even one innocent soul to taint himself with your religion.
This is bearing False Witness and any who will testify for christianity is guilty of it. They admitably preach of things which are "unknowable" such as their explainations of "Heaven" and "Hell", and not only swear by them as factual, but they condemn any who will not believe them, and threaten the innocent with cruel torment if they don't believe their lies. Today they will tell you over and over that you are going to hell if you don't believe, and then if you still don't believe, then they will get angry. But this is mild compared to what they used to do. Remember the inquizitions, and the witch trials? Innocent people who refused to dishonor verity cruelly tortured and burned alive, all the while being condemned in GOD's name and told that they are going to hell. These are the true Martyrs which were prophesied about.
Your final judgement will be based upon your works, and the workings of your heart. If you are not saved then you will merely continue to live and die repeatedly without ever knowing anything of your past. As we are all truly a race of gods, That Is Hell. That is vanity because if you die and lose everything that you have struggled your whole life for then you have struggled in vain.
Ecclesiastes 2:17-21 "Therefore I hated life; because the work that is wrought under the sun [is] grievous unto me: for all [is] vanity and vexation of spirit. Yea, I hated all my labour which I had taken under the sun: because I should leave it unto the man that shall be after me. And who knoweth whether he shall be a wise [man] or a fool? yet shall he have rule over all my labour wherein I have laboured, and wherein I have shewed myself wise under the sun. This [is] also vanity. Therefore I went about to cause my heart to despair of all the labour which I took under the sun. For there is a man whose labour [is] in wisdom, and in knowledge, and in equity; yet to a man that hath not laboured therein shall he leave it [for] his portion. This also [is] vanity and a great evil."
The one I have identified as the true Antichrist has already decieved millions of people, he is an immortal reincarnating evil spirit. The prophecy of the coming of the Antichrist was fulfilled 2000 years ago which was also told in the bible. The Antichrist, Devil, Son of Perdition I have revealed in my Lucifereum and at
I am not asking anything of you and I don't expect you to believe anything that I say, but I do hope, for your sake, that when I am killed in a few years you will take notice, and watch for my return. And when you see me return you will have a much greater understanding of the truth. Those who are blinded by the Beautiful Lie will not be so fortunate. Please do not make the same mistake as them. If you do believe me, and want to share this with those you love, please remember; it is not necessary to believe me, what is necessary is to turn them from their religion. I have proven nothing yet, what I say is not evidence, though I do point to evidence which can be found everywhere. Christianity, for example, can not be condemned by what I say, but it can easily be condemned by it's own words and actions. Once I am killed as I prophesied I shall be, then I will become evidence; when I return, even more so. Until then I shall remain no more than a modern myth and a Lightpost to Verity.
I do find it very hard to take, people run in circles going about their daily lives, completely unaware of what is really going on, or what their beliefs in lies is causing all of us to go through, including themselves. They would rather kill me then listen to me say that what they believe in is a lie. I am not exactly innocent in all of this and I deserve what I must go through, but I have served my time in hell and I have been redeemed by GOD, YHWH, the Omni.
I am not nor have I ever been a student of any religion or belief system. Everything I know I have learned for myself with GOD's guidance. I have no formal training of any sort; in fact I have no more than an eighth grade education. I didn't like school, I was very shy and nervous and afraid for anyone to know anything about me. I didn't feel that I should have to comply with their system in order to have a happy life. But they do everything in their power to try and make sure that this isn't true. They try to close every loophole so that free spirits such as myself, who refuse to follow the guidelines set forth by others and submit to a system of monetary slavery, can never make any money or get ahead in life. The monetary establishment as we know it will fall also, not long after the religions fade away. Not as a painful crushing, but rather as a welcomed release of shackles.
Again, I am not talking about anarchy, and not communism or anything like it. I am talking about suddenly Hundreds of thousands of righteous immortal servants of YHWH, collectively called Zion, Sion, Scion, or even, Xion, being in control of the world; all of it's governments and all of it's major businesses. This is the true face of the "New World Order". It is a time traversing conspiracy, which only the True Master of the Universe could possibly have orchestrated.
The mortal men will die, the righteous will inherrit. The immortals will share the wealth appropriately, you cannot remain immortal if you are greedy. The immortals will know that if you give away what you don't need, to someone in need, then you will get back more than you could ever want; but if you hoard what you don't need then you will die and return with nothing, and be in hell and know nothing.
In the end science and GOD will be seen to be completely compatable. As a matter of fact, the scientist who is an atheist, is closer to GOD today than any religious person. Because he is doing what GOD needs him to do; not wasting his life worshipping GOD or some god, and trying to convince the entire world to do the same. GOD is the Divine Essence which Empowers the Universe. GOD is Not Vain, as the christians would paint Him to be. He did not create the human race just because He wanted to be worshipped. Neither does GOD need to be worshipped by us. GOD has All of the Power that there is, He does not need our worship to empower Him. Only the Devil/Antichrist needs that, because he is a mere human; though immortal, he is not GOD, and is not All anything. The scientists are the ones who are responsible for bringing the physical world as we know into being. And it is indeed a blessing unto them that by nature they tend to be non-religious in this day.
The scientist, who treasures verity above all else, is ever questioning and will not accept a lie. He will not even accept the truth until he has seen the proof of it for himself. You could not blame them for being Atheist or Agnostic, for there is no truth about GOD to be found in the religions, which are accepted as the "authorities of God". In fact a non-religious scientist is far more dedicated to verity than a religious one would tend to be.Some have even attempted to reconcile science with GOD, and even in their own minds, and among small learned groups, they have. But because the "accepted authorities" teach mostly lies, and allegorical myths, they cannot be reconciled with science. They even fight the progress of science whenever they can, saying that science must be wrong if it isn't compatable with their beliefs. In fact, when the "church" ruled the world with a bloody sword, there was no "progress of science" whatsoever. The only scientist were alchemists, and the church made alchemy illegal. Secretly however, the church accidently kept alchemy alive by studying it themselves in their monostaries and such.
I can even tell you why the "church" has always fought scientific progress. The end times prophecies. This evil reincarnating Antichrist Devil to which I keep referring, is Not stupid. The prophecies describe many things which had not yet been invented. Flying metal birds, etc.. The Evil one could clearly see that if he could stop these things from being invented, he could stop, or at least delay, the approach of the end times, and the end of his time. Also because of the fact that the Evil one knows that GOD and Science are One, and that Science would eventually disprove any lie.
I am not really a writer or an author, I don't even like to read, although I am currently writing an actual printed book, which I hope to have ready to print sometime this year. This page, and all of my websites put together, barely scratch the surface of what I have to share with you. I feel I could write continiously for an thousand years and still not be able to tell you everything which I have seen, done, and learned. Whether any publisher will have the balls to publish my book remains to be seen. But that is of no consequence either. Otherwise, with GOD's help, I shall simply self publish it. YHWH's will shall be done, for He is Master of the Universe; I am but His servant.

My Interests

If you would like to find out more about me and my mission please feel free to visit one or all of my websites listed below, Also read my Blogs for recent writings from the Oracle of Mars...

:||: Home page of the "Church of Mars", my non-profit anti-christian church dedicated to YHWH, GOD Creator and Master of the Universe

:|MySpace/ChurchofMars|: the official Church of Mars MySpace profile. More information about the Church of Mars

~:Lucifereum:~ My latest project, where I am Illuminating the Darkness: hovering over the opening of the abyss, preparing to devour the beast. Another new project, The Temple of Ares~Horus~Mars; part personal website, part umbrella website. The Oracle of Mars where you can contact Mars (Me), or submit questions for the Oracle. The Temple of Mars Fortress Revelare. A collection of my writings from the Oracle and Spirit of Mars during certain earlier stages of my ascension; roughly 2003-2004

PLEASE NOTE: This is neither fiction nor fancy, neither am I "role playing". Everything I say I know and believe beyond any doubt. Everything has been evidenced to me and shall be unto you in your appropriate time. Everything here is real and true, far more true than anything the religions teach, and every bit as real as the evil which has been brought about by them, and has encompassed the earth unto this day.

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet anybody who believes that they may be an incarnate. Also Anyone that believes in reincarnation or is Anti-religion, Anti-christian, Atheist, Agnostic, Spirtual, or otherwise open minded and inquizitive, questioning, lost, confused, or oppressed.

Shout-out to:
My Beloved Son Romulus-Remus whom I have recently located, alive and in the flesh:

My Closest Eternal Friend and Brother Eros;
Mine Compass and Ignitor:

My brother Hermes Baallala who set me on my journey by initiating me into Alchemy 17 years ago.


My Brother Apollo; whom I shall see on my next return.

Darkest Hails to my Black War Metal Brothers Around the World; You shall be Justified for all the world to see!!!

Thanks to all for stopping by.

In the Light of Truth
aMMieL, Lucifer Mars

Lucifer Mars
Nobly Bright Charioteer of the house of Mars

My Cheif Watchmen

released 7-7-07 SOTW's New CD "Once in a Blue Moon",

Watch Seasons of the Wolf videos, and vote for them to win an Epic recording contract, at

Buy SOTW's music at ...
Self-Titled Album | Lost in Hell | Nocturnal Revelation
"Once in a Blue Moon",

Visit the band's website...

Concrete Ritual's Debut CD out now!

See playlist below or at for samples from CR's new disc including, "Dust to Dirt", "Groundless", and more.

Visit Concrete Ritual's MySpace page

Buy Concrete Ritual's Debut CD at

Visit the band's website...

My Ancient Brother Mandy Lion is a god,
Prophet & High Priest of the New Order...
All Hail the Keeper of the Gates of Hell!!

Thirty Seconds to Mars

~Provehito In Altum
"Launch Forth Into the Deep"

Prophecy of the Highest Order!!

Thirty Seconds to Mars "A Beautiful Lie"
available everywhere!

Everything about this album speaks of my story, the album title, the song titles, the band's symbols, glyphs, motto, even the bands name. Congratulations to the band for their huge success, and for bringing Verity to the ears of "mainstream" millions.
Jared Leto is a god, Prophet, and Watchman of the Highest Order! | myspace profile | Buy 30STM merch.

Satans Metal Warriors
Love them or die, hahaha. It's true.
..All code hand written by; aMMieL ~Lucifer Mars, ForthWizard, Universal Church of Mars---


Defenders of the Metal Faith, Protectors of the Realm

Isaiah 52:8 "Thy watchmen shall lift up the voice; with the voice together shall they sing: for they shall see eye to eye, when YHWH shall bring again Zion."

Lucifer's Watchmen...

See my Playlist and "Top friends" for artist considered as "Lucifers Watchmen", this is Lucifer's Music. Many more can also be found on my friends list, as well as many thousands more which are not (yet).


Donnie Darko
This movie is very meaningful to me as it seems to be my story foretold and thinly veiled. Although it came out a couple of years before my ascension actually began, I hadn’t seen it, or even heard of it, until a few months ago, six years after it came out. I rarely ever watch movies or tv and never have. Throughout the film it sent chills down my spine. Especially the ending; the song Mad World was already very meaningful to me, but now it’s maybe 100 times more so.
The Matrix
Very closely reveals the state of the world. We are are trapped behind the lies and struggling to survive in a world which is not real, not what it appears to be. Christianity and Religion is the Matrix.
This movie echoes our true beginings as gods in a lot of ways; and man attempting to wipe out the race of gods is allegorically depicting what the Antichrist has done, or attempted to do.
Star Trek tv and movies in general because they provide a strong semblence to our near future. The biggest difference being that we will be a race of immortal reincarnating gods rather than mortal men as depicted; which as you can see actually opens up far more possibilities then even Star Trek shows us.and others...


Everyone have got to see SECRET FILES OF THE INQISITION, on PBS. "Secret Files of the Inquisition was produced by Inquisition Productions, who also created the related website "
This is an awesome show, everyone really should see it, especially christians. I dont see how anyone could still stay a christian knowing that these are the ungodly men who formed the basic christian beliefs and created the "bible".
I think this should be taught in schools. It is the true story of the catholic church. It's totally unbiased in its presentation, it even has a Vatican official who attempts to downplay the meaningfulness of the thing. But it clearly and dramatically depicts the true historical facts, even down to the torture chambers, and devices.
Did you now that even upto less than 100 years before Hitler, the Pope was using the inquisition to terrorize Jews in particular? Or that Napoleon Bonaparte was a champion of human rights, and went to war with the church to try to end the inquisitions, but failed?
Here is PBS's description of the series:
"From the Pages of Secret ..s"
"Based on previously unreleased secret ..s from European Archives including the Vatican, Secret Files of the Inquisition unveils the incredible true story of the Catholic Church's 500-year struggle to remain the world's only true Christian religion."
"Rulers of the Temporal World"
"At the dawn of the second millennium Europe was slowly emerging from the blackness and ignorance of the Dark Ages. There were no nations and the people were loyal only to their immediate community and to God. The keeper of God's word was the Catholic Church, the only religion in all of Christendom. The supreme religious leader, the Pope in Rome, crowned the Kings who became rulers of the Holy Roman Empire stretching from Sicily north to Poland. The Emperor was ruler of the temporal world while the Pope and his Bishops reigned supreme over the Spiritual world."
"Cracks Begin Appearing..."
"By the 12th and 13th century, cracks began appearing in this ordered world. Emperors no longer submitted to being crowned by the Pope and across Europe Kings demanded the right to select their own Bishops. But for the Pope the most terrifying threat came from upstart Christian sects who challenged church doctrine and the absolute power of the Roman Pope. To preserve the purity of the faith and the unquestioned authority of the Pope, the Church began to crack down on all dissenting with a new weapon: the Inquisition. For over half a millennium a system of mass terror reigned. Thousands were subject to secret courts, torture and punishment."
"About the series"
"Filmed in High Definition, this 4-hour series spans; medieval France in Episode 1; 15th century Spain in Episode 2; Renaissance Italy in Episode 3; and mid-nineteenth century Europe in Episode 4."
" Historians, experts and Church authorities advise on the handling of this controversial subject matter."


Websters unabridged dictionary is My bible as it is necessary to get to the bottom of the truth. Word meanings in use change over time; but the true meanings of the words do not. The most important part of the dictionary listings is the etymology, or word origin, history, and meanings. This will tell you what a word meant hundreds or even thousands of years ago, which is usually the opposite of what people think it means today. This is the perfect environment for the Devil because every word has an opposite meaning; but his house of cards is about to collapse as it was built upon a bed of lies and its cornerstone is a fraud.


--{ YHWH~Adonai~Elohim~Elil~RA~Jupiter~Zeus } My Father, My GOD; (christianity's Adversary)also...
--{ Lucifer Blue, } My Best Friend, Brother, Compass & Ignitor ...
--{ My Watchmen, } the Metal gods of music, Protectors of the Realm and...
---{ The True Martyrs }
which are 144,000 in number, and are all of those through the centuries, who chose to die for verity, rather then to bow to the "cross" and submit to the lie. They have been returned for this day and are the wise ones which know that religions are lies but often don't understand what is going on, or why so many people believe in this lie. Some have more (past)self awareness than others, most are highly intiuitive and spiritual in one way or another. Many of them have not reincarnated for over 1000 years, because they were all spared the torment of living in hell on earth and their spirits where held back until this generation, that they shall be witnesses to verity in the end.

My Blog

Christianity is a child molesting whore, and a rapist of all that is Godly, (2012&theLast Pope)

"Christianity is a child molesting whore, and a rapist of all that is Godly, which won't keep its filthy, scabbed, phallus, out of other peoples faces!"   Greetings All,   On a friends blog ...
Posted by Lucifer Mars on Mon, 14 May 2007 05:48:00 PST

About My Names, and the date 07.07.07

Greetings Friends,   My birth name is Delbert Wayne Martin, which literally translates, "Nobly Bright Charioteer of the house of Mars"; Hence Lucifer Mars is my Truest name. Lucifer Mars&nbs...
Posted by Lucifer Mars on Mon, 14 May 2007 05:25:00 PST

On the Validity of "the bible"

Greetings everyone, This is a reproduction of an entry in the blog of "a little left of center ", and my reply to him. From "a little left of center "... Let's have a discussion people ...
Posted by Lucifer Mars on Fri, 04 May 2007 05:37:00 PST

Condemnation of Homosexuality, the Second Biggest Lie

Greeting All, and Welcome, This is in response to any who will condemn another for their sexual practices or feelings, particularly when GOD is invoked as justification for condemnation and especially...
Posted by Lucifer Mars on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 02:32:00 PST

Attacked by two faced lying atheist wannabe, Mesadream

Greetings Friends, I received this hate letter from an Atheist blogger on MySpace earlier today. He accuses me of being afraid of hearing replys to my writings, and a great many other things which are...
Posted by Lucifer Mars on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 07:18:00 PST

Armageddon, a letter to christians, which is relevent to all

Greetings all, This is the true face of Armageddon...  The letter below, from Sarah, I received just a few days ago from my Oracle of Mars website. Following that is my reply, which I e...
Posted by Lucifer Mars on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 04:00:00 PST