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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Get your layout at, I guess you already know me, and if you don't well, maybe you should! My name is Sophia, you may call me Soph, but please not Sophie! Unfortunately I'm now 20 years old and I'm afraid I can no longer pretend im a child - which sucks... but on the plus side I am 21 this year which means its time to PARTY! I opted out of the further education malarky, who needs a degree anyways? I am currently working 3 jobs which I actually enjoy, although time is sparce so I don't get much rest. Work hard, play hard I guess! First and foremost I am a Learning Support Assistant in Glantaf High School(commonly know as teachers aid - but I swear its harder than you think!) I work with children with special needs and / or learning difficulties.I also deal with behavioural problems so a pretty mixed bag i guess. But I love it! I love the craziness and the chaos and the affection and the appreciation. (Hahaha... I should stop suckin it off so much now!) Oh and if you didnt notice - dwi'n siarad Cymraeg. I also work at a call centre - not much to say just that i love everyone there and that may be the only reason i kept the job! And Finally Sophia's the name Chaperoning's the game!I recently became involved in a production some of you may know as Young Dracula - CBBC kids prog. And my purpose on set is to watch over the not so talented unproffessionals, and the over dramatic artistes (yes thats what they call themselves!)I enjoy it cuz i can sit on my ass most of the time and get paid pretty damn good. I also need to shout out to Merv (3rd Asst Director) You are a legend! LO!L Oh and my skiving - coffee drinking, chocolate eating, bike riding, force feeding, chaperoning pal, Mrs Mills! Amy I adore you, and school will not be the same when you leave! Shout Outs to the important ones! My girls - Jacq, Els, Beth... Its amazing but we're keeping the girls bond strong- go old skool glantaf crew! Jacq needs her own one but im not sure what to say, she knows tho...much love Damian my sweetheart, always and forever (Note to tree hill fans... Jacq, Lau!) Plus the black horse crewage - safe safe lol (im so un-gangster!) And my Welshies, Meurig, Meleri x2, Gwenllian, Dylan, Dyfed, Non, Amy, Olga, Gareth, Andy, Michael, Owain, Catrin a mwy... wel, y nosweithiau yr ydym wedi cael! Yn edrych ymlaen i mwy, jyst peidiwch a creu mwy o straeon amdanai - Im a good girl! Not forgettin Fyncie.My Butty from Jamaica! Old School like you wouldnt believe! I may not see her that often and neither of us make half as much effort as we should, but this girl is truly the don! (Ringle too! My flowers are purty!)
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Britney Spears - I don't care what the haters say she's a darl'! And she may have gone off the rails but I'll give her a shoulder to cry on. C'mon people, get on the Britney bandwagon. Plus if you're still undecided I'm sure we all hate K-Fed so support her in retalliation! Chad Michael Murray - The boy needs a slap for all his cheating, engaging / marrying, pregnancy making, divorcing crap! Much love to Sophia Bush who will find an even more beautiful man! BUT, and it is a large one. He may be one of the finest men alive ever, with all the pouting and, "Nobody understands me" looks. Anyone else from One Tree Hill - Just because I am an addict! Martin Luther King (Wanky I know)- But just to say nice one, you did your kids proud and I'd ask him to tea!Well that'd be a randm party wouldnt it? Britney, Chad and MLK!!Legend... Only I could choose that random mix!


Anything and Everything literally... I would say that preferences would be R'n'B and Indie...My current Playlist is Bethany Joy Lenz, Goo Goo Dolls, The Kooks, Beyonce, Petey Pablo, Drew Sidora, Stacey Orrico, Justin Timberlake... Once again, a random and a half mix!


As my boyfriend says, I need certain elements in a film, Love, Gore, An ethnic variety, Singing, or Dancing.Supposedly I'm only happy with a film if it has one of them, but I'm sure that's not true! I am partial to a chick flick or two tho! A few favourites - Shawshank Redemption, Usual Suspects, Save the Last Dance, City of God, Kramer vs Kramer, The Notebook, The Cooler, The Bodyguard, Trainspotting and lots more. Those of you that know me (& Dame) know that he is obsessed with the digital versatile disc! I have thousands of DVDs and so i have watched most films, I love having something for everyone.I challenge you to come here and not find a film you not only love, but prob know most words too!


I love to read.I have done since I was yay high! But there are a few books that really stand out from the crowd that I'd advise any woman to read at some point in their lives (and some men too!!) * The Bride Stripped Bare - Very personal diray entries of the author, based on true events focusing on a woman torn between her husband and her lover. Very Emotional, you will laugh and cry with this one. * Taming the Beast - very erotic, sexual tale of a young girl who is abused i guess by her teacher but then begins a full on relationship with him. A truly harrowing tale, but opens your eyes to the world. * All the Georgia Nicholson Diaries - the funniest thing I've read.i started these in High School but I still make sure I'm up to date with them now because this is one thing I will laugh out loud reading! SAD ACT! Fynn knows the score!

My Blog

Edinburgh! Argh Ideas please!

I am going to Edinburgh for my birthday and i cant wait! and all my favourite people are going to be there! and im gonna be 21 and we's gonna be drunked! I cannot wait, even if it aint til September! ...
Posted by Sophia on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 03:57:00 PST


this sucks, im home ill... feeling sorry for myself so i thought i'd let everyone know and feel sorry for me too! lol Im not super ill but sniffles have to bet the most annoying thing ever, espesh wit...
Posted by Sophia on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 05:36:00 PST