<..xx..Im SoRrY I CaNt Be PeRfEcT..xx..> profile picture

&lt;..xx..Im SoRrY I CaNt Be PeRfEcT..xx..&gt;


About Me

Girly Myspace Layouts

The act of missing..
..is your heart telling you that there's a void that just can not be filled..Its your mind realizing you're taken for granted one good thing in your life.. and its your soul wishing they'd come back..

I'm P[i]P..
I'm 17..
So0n t0 bE 18..
I'm Blond[e] with bLue/green eyes..
[&&]I'm pretty tallish..
I Hate being heart broken.. [&&] hate liars..
bT i do tell ThA occAsioNal white liE 2 get mE ouT of craP..
I **LoVe** Tatts n =Piercings=..
i have [6] PierCings at the m0mEnT..
hopefully geTTing a taTT this yEar..
I can be m00dY, stubb0rn [&&] im probAbly one oF the MosT jEaloUs girls y0u'll evA mEeT...
I falL foR the bad boys, aNd donT see tHa g0od ones tilL thEy're GonE..
I donT like maKiNg the FirsT m0ve, 0nly havinG it maDe oN mE..
I LoVe The c0l0ur Black, BuT AlL ThE BrighT Ones To0..
I'm [A] meSs, AnD my Ro0m UsualLy iS to0..
I laugh at stupiD thinGs, And AlwaYs sAy ThA wrong thInG aT the wr0ng time..
I hatE CryinG but SometiMe[s] I will cry f0r n0 reaSon..
I SomeTimes [i] get mad EasiLy, buT thatS JuSt [ME]..
I love shaRinG my opini0n, [&&] pe0pLe that R honEsT boUt th[e]irs..
I *** love *** to drink..
I love to ^ rave ^, but Candy is ..NOT.. my style..
I'm nevA on time, eithA t0o early or to0 late..
2170 is what i represent with all my gIrlS, aNd if y0u still NeeD to decidE my mSn is [email protected]

Girly Myspace Layouts
Girly Myspace Layouts
Girly Myspace Layouts
Girly Myspace Layouts
Myspace Contact Tables

My Interests

Girly Myspace Layouts

I love GoiN ouT n PartyIn WitH My FriEnDs.. HiTtIn The PiSs As MuCh as PoSsiBlE beFoRe SchooL GoeS BaCk, GetTin On WiTh My MaTeS..FoR ThOsE CrAaAaAzy NiGhts!!, GoiN To ThE BeaCh.. ShoPpIng, When I HaVe MoneY, BoYs, AnD All ThaT OthEr StuFf Us GiRlS Like To DO --- ...

Girly Myspace Layouts

Girly Myspace Layouts

Girly Myspace Layouts

I'd like to meet:

Dont [CrY] For What [MiGhT] Have Bin Dont [LiVe] In The [PaSt] It Was [SuPpOsEd] To Be [FoReVeR] But [FoReVeR] Never Lasts So [LiFt] Your Head And [DrY] Your Tears [FoRgEt] Yesterday When You Had [ThE TiMe Of YoUr LiFe] But You [MuSt] Move On Let It [FaDe] Away

I'vE LeArNeD WhAt It'S LiKe To CrY... HoW ThE LiTtLe ThiNgS MaTteR MosT... AnD How WoRdS NoT SaiD CaN Be MoSt ReGrEtFuL... I'vE LeArNeD ThE ThIngS YoU WaNt, YoU JuSt CaN't HaVe... I'Ve LeArNed ThAt PrEtEnDiNg To Be HaPpY DoEsN't MaKe YoU HaPpy...

If I Was [*[Beautiful]*] Maybe Yu'd Look At Me . . If I Was [*[Intelligent]*] Maybe Yu'd Listen To Me . . If I Was More [*[Popular]*] Maybe Yu'd See Me . . If I was [*[Older]*] Maybe Yu'd Want Me . . If I Was [*[Funny]*] Maybe Yu'd Laugh With Me . . .. . . If I Was Anything But [*[Me]*] Maybe Yu'd Love Me . . /


Girly Myspace Layouts

------ I caNt DaNce... But I LoVe To Try..SoMe NiGhTs I JuST CanT HeLp MySelF.. DaNcE MuSiC PuTs Me In A SpiN.. R&B Is WhAt We DrIvE WiTh.. I LiKe EmO MusIc Too... I'm PREttY MucH An All RouNdEr WiTh MuSic... DepEndiNg On My MooD..-----


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St[A]Y A[w]aY..

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This is ROSIE.. Rosie is my princess.. Shes herself, which means Beer in one hand, smoke in the other..usually without shoes on, but hey thats her style..Most of the best memories of my high school days are with this girl.. Haha Baby Stoners princess...

Claire... My Claire.. Shes Like My Sister.. Brings out the best in me, and tries to keep the worst away..Most the time she succeeds, and makes me feel better about myself, and everything around me..We rarely fight, and i hope it stays that way.. I love you Claire

Aww My Sexy Skinny Mini.. What To Say About You... There is So much we have in common, and i think this is why we click so well, you understand me, and i hope i understand you.. We have CRaAaAaAZy Nights together, and i love to remember them..The Fun Never Ends When Your Around baby xoxox
Katie, Katie, Katie... Your Just Too Super Cool.. Haha.. No Seriously, I love you to pieces and i'll always try and look out for you.. You may be little punk, But that doesn't mean anyone can mess with you! Lol, Your One of the toughest girls i know, lol i just love you Katie MWWWWWWWWWA xoxoxox

My Little Midget.. My Little Raver Friend... My Peaking Pal... Lol So Many Names For You..But Only 4 Words That Will Really Mean Something To You "Make.Pip.More.Toast"... HAHA Lol Aww Emma, Your so Gorgeous, And there is no way i could ever possibly hate you, your a fucking gem.. Hope To see you soon baby.. xoxox

Now This Girl Here is My Girl Pania Kemp... AkA.. Pk.. I miss you being at school baby girl.. No more Jigging School beautification, or any other class for that matter, cause your not there.. no more smokin together =[... ohh the old days.. lol, Why did all you fuckers have to leave school?? xoxox Pk Baby, Your My Seductive Stoner..!!
Carly, Your Just One Crazy Girl... Somethings Always Going Down When Carlys In Town.. Lol, Seriously but, we have heaps of fun on the piss together, and this girl is just so beautiful, she deserves happiness all the way through!! I Love you SOOOOOOOOOO much Carly! Lol..See You In September.. Hahaha

Nish.. You just drive me up the wall, but in so many ways i wouldnt be able to live without your little crazy ways... the trouble we have gotten in together, lol can never be replaced!!! haha, love you baby! Mwa xoxo

PAAAAAAAAAAAAAT... haha your a sexy motherfucker pat, especially in that white shirt you wear to the club.. haha no seriously but i do love you Pat, We've had some pretty good times, some pretty trashed times, some pretty fuckin happy times.. lol and some pretty shit times too.. lol but its all good, because your still pat and i still love you! =] xoxo

Sonik... Meatball.. Or just Plain Ryan.. Lol your so little.. but not... somehow the age never seems to be thought about and your with us everywhere, even the pub!! Good times...but now Even You have left school.. Its just not gonna be the same when im there with none of you guys..what will i do?!

JOOOOOOOOOSH... My SEXY SEXY JOSH! Lol, You may be last at the moment (But thats just cause im going to bed) But it certainly doesnt mean your the least.. Lol.. We havent been friends for reallllly that long, but i did make first contact with you.. "Hey umm do you have a lighter i could borrow" LOL.. and from then on, i joined you every recess and lunch for a smoke..Lol and now i love you so much, lol your just mad, and i dont know where i'd be without you.. xoxox
I found my rollover effect at pYzam.com , They're awesome!

My Blog

BaBy BlUe PiLlS..A HaBiT 2 HaRd 2BrEaK

bitter baby blue pillsendlessly supplying cheap thrillssitting there neatly on a tablekilling my chances of getting stable1 means you're normaland 2 means you're okay3 means you're buzzed past formala...
Posted by [[..xx..Im SoRrY I CaNt Be PeRfEcT..xx..]] on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 03:14:00 PST


FAKE FRiENDS: Never ask for food. REAl FRiENDS: are the reason you have no food. FAKE FRiENDS: Call your parents Mr/Mrs REAl FRiENDS: Call your parents DAD/MOM FAKE FRiENDS: bail you out of jail and t...
Posted by [[..xx..Im SoRrY I CaNt Be PeRfEcT..xx..]] on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 06:54:00 PST

100 Truths

001. real name ? Philippa... 002. nickname ? Pip003. single or taken ? single004. zodiac sign? libra005. male or female ? female006. primary school ? chipping norton :) 008. cell phone is a ? Nokia01...
Posted by [[..xx..Im SoRrY I CaNt Be PeRfEcT..xx..]] on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 04:19:00 PST