Provance Art profile picture

Provance Art

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Provance Art is a site that show cases work done by both Ahren and Jamie Provance. The couple was married in June of '04 and have been working together as well as seperately in the art world ever since.
Please make yourselves at home here and snoop around our page as much as you like. :) If you have any questions for the artists you can contact us here or at our email address at:
We would both be more than happy to speak with you about our process of working, prices, print availabilities, commision work, original pieces up for sale, our schools, our current work, and anything else that may be of interest to you.
Again, WE ARE AVAILABLE FOR HIRE, for a negotiated price. Each work must be considered on an individual basis due to supplies and time involved, the size, and the amount of detailed wanted. Thanks for visiting us and we hope to hear from you soon!!!
Jamie Provance
Jamie Provance is an aspiring artist attending her fifth year of college at The Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design in Lakewood, Colorado as an Illustration Major. She was classically trained as a Fine Artist with a drawing emphasis while attending her first two years of college at McCook Community College in McCook, Nebraska and her third year at The University of Nebraska at Kearney in Kearney, Nebraska. She soon found that the limitations that resided in the Nebraska area for the type of artwork she was wanting to create were forcing her to make a decison to move out further into the world and find a school that offered illustration as a major. So in 2005 she and her husband, Ahren Provance, moved to Westminster, Colorado where they currently reside.
Her personal skills are that of form, value, and contrast. Jamie is an artist that concentrates heavily on technique and execution of the work, but has an intensity for planning out her intentions beforehand. These two aspects of her work compliment each other very well, even though at times the way in which she works sometimes feels "very tedious". Her largest undertaking in her work is trying to find the perfect balance of Fine Art and Illustration together as one. She has set a personal goal to find illustrations that can stand on their own outside of a book as compelling Fine Art, but can also work inside the cover of a book, magazine, or whatever criteria she undertakes.
Jamie's personal style is still being felt out as she continues through school, but more and more the work is starting to connect to itself. In her style she is very selective in what she chooses to shade and how she shades the subject matter in her compositions. This is done deliberately to guide the viewer throughout the story and to start and stop them at the right points.
She hopes to continue exploring all venues and areas of illustration and commercial art. (Read from the artist herself in the latest blog on this page entitled "Jamie's Artist Statement" to find out more about the artist, her work, and her intentions in her artwork.)
Jamie's Awards and Commission Work Are As Follows:
~ Won The Nebraska Scholastic Gold Key Award
~ Won Best of Show 2-D at Evening With the Arts
~ Designed the CD art for The Advocates in 2001 for their album "Sweeter"
~ Won Young Artist of the Month for The Future Educator's of America Calender in 2001
~ Won Young Artist of the Year from The University of Nebraska at Lincoln in 2000
~ Has created numerous amounts of graphite (pencil) portrait work for families throughout the years
Ahren Provance
More to Come Soon

My Interests



Please click on the picture to see it larger!
There is a great amount of detail that will be missed by just viewing the pictures as they are because of their size.
Don't forget to view the work at the very bottom of the scroll box to see what the artist is currently working on! :)

Jamie's Portfolio of Work

~ * ~ I'll be adding to this over time so be sure to watch out for the updates! :) ~ * ~

Paintings and Drawings '06

Selected Work Done in County Clare, Ireland '06

Older Work '02-'05

Works Currently In Progress '06-Present

Sculpture of The Night Walker from the Miyazaki Film Princess Mononoke in Progress

Ahren's Portfolio of Work

I'd like to meet:

See List of Heros :) ...


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Please click on the images to see them larger!
Jamie was asked to paint with wooden V for a charity aution that will be held at The Vagina Monologues performance on Saturday.
The Vagina Monologues is an Obie Award-winning episodic play written by Eve Ensler which premiered at the off-Broadway Westside Theatre in 1996. The Vagina Monologues is made up of a varying number of monologues read by a varying number of women (initially, Eve Ensler performed every monologue herself, with subsequent performances featuring three actresses, and more recent versions featuring a different actress for every role).
Every monologue somehow relates to the vagina, be it through sex, love, rape, menstruation, mutilation, masturbation, birth, orgasm, the variety of names for the vagina, or simply as a physical aspect of the female body. A recurring theme throughout the piece is the vagina as a tool of female empowerment, and the ultimate embodiment of individuality.
The production of this play was performed at St. Cajetan's Cathedral on the Auraria Campus here in Denver. Performance times were:
Fri. Feb. 23rd at 7pm
Sat. Feb. 24th at 2pm
Sat. Feb. 24th at 7pm
There was an auction to raise money for the local women's abuse shelters and care facilities in the Denver area. Artists from around Denver, including area students, were asked to paint, draw on, sculpt around, and be creative with wooden "V's" each in their own way. Every V is the same initially and the artists have been asked to do whatever they wish with them.
The V's were auctioned off for charity on the final night of performance. I was honored to have this oppertunity to be asked to paint one of these V's for the auction! :) My husband and I even ended up purchasing on for ourselves from another artist! And my V went for $25 in the auction! :) ($40 was the highest bid on piece!)
"The images on the V are of many different womens' lips (and even one man!). I chose this imagery because the mouth looks very similar to the vagina and this was my inspiration in setting the lips vertically on the piece. I chose lips that each had individuality in color, shape, presence, personality, and race. I wanted to encompass everyone (including the lips of a transvestite) because the vagina monologues are about many different kinds of women and many different experiences and how they are each and all beautiful.
I also had in mind that the mouth is speaking for the vagina and expressing that the vagina is something that should not be shamed into hiding, but empowered and forced into the light of everyday.
The black background is this concept being voiced by the monologues and emerging from the blackness of "taboo" into the light where the subject matter and imagery shines. The sides of the V are painted white to show the emcompassing purity of the female soul and sexuality."
~Jamie Provance '07


Check out our good friend Kim Fogle's art page as well! The web address is:

Julie Bell, Boris Vallejo, Gerald Brom, Larry Kresnek, Jim Lee, James O'Barr, Michael Whelan, Frida Kahlo, Kathe Kollowitz, Frank Fezzeta, Mike Mignola, Frank Miller, David Collins, Jhonen Vasquez, Louis Royo, Todd MacFarlen, Salvador Dali, Yokitasha Amano, CLAMP, Mark Bagley...

My Blog


Ok everyone! The artwork is up on ebay and currently available for sale and viewing! Here’s a link to the listing: l-Colors_W0QQitemZ1...
Posted by Provance Art on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 09:00:00 PST


Hello everyone!, I decIded to take a chance at selling a piece of mine on ebay. Check it out and please let anyone know about it that may be interested! The auction will begin on Friday March 21st at ...
Posted by Provance Art on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 06:23:00 PST

Update and Mother's Day Announcement!

So we have organized our work into our photo section so that you may all leave comments on specific and individual pieces that you see on the site. :) Any and all comments are welcome and helpful and ...
Posted by Provance Art on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 09:45:00 PST

The Vagina Monologues Auction Update....

For those of you that are up to date on the Charity Auction taking place this weekend I have an update.....The Vagina Monologues play is being performed at St. Cajetan's Cathedral on the Auraria Campu...
Posted by Provance Art on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 07:31:00 PST

The Vagina Monologues...

The Vagina Monologues is an Obie Award-winning episodic play written by Eve Ensler which premiered at the off-Broadway Westside Theatre in 1996. The Vagina Monologues is made up of a varying number of...
Posted by Provance Art on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 05:10:00 PST

Is the work abstraction or realism overall?

We had recieved some commentary on a potiental job that the work currently represented is "mostly abstract and not realistic enough." So we were just wondering what the rest of the population was thin...
Posted by Provance Art on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 02:59:00 PST

Jamie's Artist Statement

I am not really sure if it was any one experience or person that influenced me to have a desire to draw and create. In a way it has always been a part of me, like blood, and without it I feel as t...
Posted by Provance Art on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 11:54:00 PST