About Me
i'm an irreverant artist-type living in middle of nowhere ireland, though i am a cincinnati ohio native...what am i doing in ireland you ask? well, to pursue my MFA of course!
my hair is naturally ash brown but has been just about every other color imaginable
my nose is distinctive
my eyes are the color of wet moss
i am short and small and pear shaped
i think my voice is deep for a female
i have very small hands and feet
i have some piercings and some tattoos and that makes me hardcore apparently.
i enjoy perverted humor, old synthesizers, tomfoolery, fuzzes, things, kurt cobain, cheese, nintendo, russian history, books, and and all things art-related.
my favorite animals are deer, peacocks, seahorses, narwhals, and frogs.
i am a feminist, art student, retro gamer, silent hill aficionado, wanna-be breakdancer, wiki-surfer, trivia dork, and general perv.
i like smoking out of my long, elegant cigarette holder, but i only do so every now and again, just to look hot.
i wear what i like, whatever that entails
i really hate media pressure
a major goal in my life is to one day be at LEAST pentalingual, most preferably adding icelandic, german, finnish, and vietnamese to my english mother-tongue. italian, dutch, russian, norwegian, japanese, and scottish gaelic would all be excellent to know as well.
but not french. i took french in high school. french is dead to me.
i think i'm a pretty nice person. i have a loud voice and like to talk a lot. i have opinions on virtually everything and am always willing to voice them shamelessly in unwelcome situations (often with nothing to back them up). i am very picky and at the same time easy-going to a fault. i don't get truly angry often but i get ticked off quite a lot. i cuss like a sailor's prostitute. i don't watch much tv, but i do like to watch law and order and the news. i get headaches easily and sometimes they turn into migraines. once i had a migraine so bad that i had to throw up and when i was at the toilet and just about ready to launch the seat fell down on my nose and gave me a nose bleed. i like to tell stories.
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !