I'd like to meet many people and frends,also iwant to meet the "D" ryt gAL fOr Me....
i Lyk all d musics!!!!!! buT mosT i Lyk is R & B and Rap Music gz2 ko ung buMabAyo ung sPeaKer nG Sa2kyan pRa asTeeeg!!!!.....
Lord of the Ring's...War of d World's...d LsT sAmurAI...sNooP dOgg movie's...bZtA mrAmi pAh Un nkaLimTan kO Lng...hEhEhE..
EnterTainMenT's and gag'S show's.....bzTa LhaT nLng BzTa mgAnd nDi bOrinG!!!!!!..
HEROES's? mGi2ng hero din Ako bLang aRaw hehe!!!!..w8 for iT!!!!....