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About Me

INCA are gigging at
Get your tickets for the gig by clicking on the link below!!!

Hey there everyone! Check out the Pulse Rated site to catch Joel & Matt's latest interview with Lyndsey Hooper - there's a few of live tracks there too!!! Enjoy...

Hey y'all!
Thanks to your support we've hit Number 1 in the White Room world-wide unsigned chart!
We want to take this opportunity to thank you all for your on-going support and for helping us to achieve what we want to do each and every day - make awesome music for you guys - our fans! Continue to spread the INCA word and the sky's the limit!!!
David Courtney HAND-PICKED, YES, HAND-PICKED INCA to be in his top 16 unsigned bands of the moment. To give you a bit of background this guy has worked with some of the legendary names in music such as Roger Daltrey, Roger Chapman, Dave Gilmore, Paul McCartney, Eric Clapton, Ritchie Blackmore and Steve Cropper, to name but a few...
Thank you everyone for your continued and commited support - you guys are the reason we can rock!

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"If I Were Beautiful", far away from a romantic, emotional farewell, is a full rock blast to end a wonderful back and forth album. Ten Gazillion Years is a fine fusion of different types of rock for the rock fan who is missing an Essex-based rock quartet in their collection. Inca are planning a full UK tour, so keep those eyes peeled.
Pulse Review - May '06
Thanks for all your support on Pulse Rated - we're still climbing the chart! Click on the below link and vote for us to help us claim that Number 1 spot!

Available in-store at Ipswich, Colchester & Braintree
Having formed in this incarnation at the end of 2004, Inca fuse their own brand of riff based, energetic hybrid sounds with defined slabs of guitars, bass, drums and sweet n sour vocal melodies.
Comprised from the embers of different musical sectors, the boys have all joined forces to fight a common cause - to push their sounds to the limit and write and perform the best material they possibly can.
Having played around Essex over 2004/05 whilst recording their own E.P. and debut album Ten Gazillion Years, the group has established a loyal fan base and tore the lid off many a venue. Having recently agreed a management deal with The Academy, the band has independently released the album, which has been received enthusiastically by music fans of all ages and backgrounds. With a UK tour in the pipeline, Inca will explode across the countrys music scene with energetic deliverance.
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My Interests


Member Since: 1/11/2007
Band Website: AND
Band Members: JOEL COOTE - Vox/Guitar
Joel is the singer, guitarist and all round ideas man. A creative bee hive of a guy. With a lust for life, music, Red Stripe and Blue Nun! He can be very excitable but also harbours a sensitive side. Emotionally bionic and lives to love everything and everyone. He had malaria in 2003 but fought off the disease with a mixture of skill, style and bravery. As well as street dancing, directing traffic and smelling things one of Joels many quirks is that he plays the penny whistle in the bath. One interesting fact about Joel is that when he gets out of the shower he dries himself with the skins of wolves, slayed by his ancestors. His favourite state is a solid state, he has an accute disgust and hatred of gasses! He can talk to birds and has a fondness for oriental weapons. He learnt to sing whilst living in the woods as a teenager, his wilderness years shaped his unique personality, his style as a juvenile was raw as can be, living with a family of bohemian Badgers and integrating into a woodland society. It was there he gained his trademark knack of burrowing and insatiable appetite for worms and berries. He loves meatballs and anything orange coloured!

JONO TWOHEY - Lead Guitar/Vox
Jono is in love with his guitar. Literally! Injuring his groin, solar-plexus and mouth on tremolo arms, strings and high octane pick-ups! Having studied guitar for years he quit suddenly in 2001 after seeing a horrific accident at London zoo. For nearly a year after he had reoccuring dreams where he was being chased down Chancery Lane in London by hundreds of donkeys. Just as Jono was about to make it to the tube station and escape the marrauding beasts they gain an extra yard of pace and trampled him to death! Then after a night out on the sauce Jono walked past a tramp busking on the street close to his summer home. He was appauled at the vagrants lack of technique and poor sense of timing. In a blind rage he ripped the guitar off of the man and played the sweetest of tunes, a crowd gathered, he was alive again! He smashed the instrument over the tramps head and ran off at high speed! He was later arrested, but his faith in the guitar and music in general was back! Jono is an enigma wrapped in a riddle surrounded by smoke. If you had to sum his personality up in a quisine/dish, he would be a Thai green curry.

Matt "The Bat" as he is known in some circles is the youngest of the INCA menagerie. He plays the bass, mastering all FOUR strings by the age of 5! Since then he has took up playing many other instruments, including himself. Matt loves being in a band as it is a great way for him to meet people and share his leftfield beliefs with people from many different walks of life. It could have been very different for young Matt as he was expelled from High School for telling his form tutor that "There was a party in his pants and she was on the A list!" Luckily Matt found a more creative outlet for his energy and lust, joining INCA and fitting snuggly into his role in the band like a warm kitten. Music aside Matts interests include riding the train, setting off fire alarms, shooting his air pistol at the ornaments in his house and poetry!

James is a drummer who loves to hit his pots and pans! He has a fondness for waterparks and loves nothing more than to spend a quite afternoon with his friends watching animals mating at a local farm . James is a gentle flower often misunderstood, but if you scratch away at that harsh looking facade you will reap the sweetest of fruits. He studied at "The School Of Drums" but left under a cloud of controversy, for legal reasons specific details cannot be included on this site! But the rumours about fish, water-beds and 2 off-duty police officers are innacurate and unfounded. Controversy aside James is a true sport, likes a laugh, loves water colours and helping injured animals, oh and he's a mean ass drummer!!!

Influences: Influences are everywhere and not just musical. What influences us is infinite, but here's some stuff anyway.Led Zeppelin, Cream, Muse, Bob Dylan, Jane's Addiction, Foo Fighters, The Smashing Pumpkins, Public Enemy, The Sex Pistols and some other fine musicians!!!Red Stripe, Stella Artois, Carlsberg Export, San Miguel, Super Bock, Sagres.Captain Morgan, Jägermeister, Absolut, Makers Mark.Paul Verhoeven, The Cat In The Hat, Queen of the Iceni Boadicea, Bill Murray, Zinedine Zidane, Dora The Explorer.All the animals of the world.The rhythms created within the universe, the sky, stars, tractors, each other, food and the emotions of musicians, artists and creative lunatics past and present.1. I got a pet monkey called Charlie Chan. Jimmy Hendrix2. Every time I try to talk to someone it's "sorry this" and "forgive me that" and "I'm not worthy"... GOD (Monty Python, The Holy Grail)3. I haven't failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas Edison4. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa... stop right there. Eatin' a bitch out, and givin' a bitch a foot massage ain't even the same fuckin' thing. Jules (Pulp Fiction)5. I'm full of dust and guitars. Syd Barrett6. I don't do drugs. I am drugs. Salador Dali7. Chaos is a friend of mine. Bob Dylan8. Alcohol gives you infinite patience for stupidity. Sammy Davis Jr9. I wont eat anything green. Kurt Cobain10. A joke is a very serious thing. Winston ChurchillThe noise that a budgie makes when you pick it up! Try it and listen for yourselves...
Sounds Like: A pig in a war! Naaah not really. It sounds like some melodic hybrid guitar, drum, bass noise with a sweet and sour vocal lashing all over it.A butterfly on a barbed wire fence, beatiful yet potentially cutting.
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Welcome to

Welcome to this our 2nd myspace...We are very happy to announce WWW.MYSPACE.COM/THEINCABAND as up, running and fully operational.This site allows us to have a lot more of a closer relationship with ou...
Posted by INCA on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 12:07:00 PST

Questionnaire for the mighty Jono

1. Do you tend to rip the paper off waterbottles?Depends if I've smoked one off or not.2. If the mob was after you, what would you do?Bribe them.3. When you shut off your alarm clock, do you tend to f...
Posted by INCA on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 08:57:00 PST


1) If you were a biscuit, what would you be?A custard cream2) A mad guy with an axe is chasing you. What do you do?look for a weapon, brick, lump of wood or sumthin3) You get to listen to one album fo...
Posted by INCA on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 04:56:00 PST

Questionnaire for... JOEL

1] What is your middle name? I have 2, Rusty and Bullethole! [2] What color is your mailbox? Don't got 1! [3] Are you available? If you got the money honey, I got the time! [4] Have you ever hit a dee...
Posted by INCA on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 12:52:00 PST

Matt and his questionnaire

Whats your name spelt backwards? ttaM, what does that mean?What did you do last night? Played my bass and kissed my neighbours tortoise for a joke.The last thing you downloaded onto your computer? Eva...
Posted by INCA on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 06:05:00 PST