I say what I will and do as I please
I've never liked being told what to do
If I'm not your friend, don't expect me to act like one
People have to earn my trust and affection
Well, to tell you about myself... All I remember from youth is being beaten up, moving around a lot (never stayed in one place more than a year), stealing a car with my uncle when we were 3, setting a mountain on fire when we were 9, start smoking about 11 or 12 years old, start drinking a year later, and I've never done the illegal drugs. I've got a very dry sarcastic sense of humor, and I never care what other people think of me, cause I have strong faith in personality, everyone's different, and I'm proud of being different. I've got long black hair. I've got a piercing in my left eyebrow, one in the lower lip on the left side, one in the tounge, and then two other in the lower lip side by side (much like David Draiman, singer of Disturbed), and I'm planning on getting another piercing in the tounge. I've got a scorpio tattoo (my zodiac) on the back of my hand, I've got the latin words Veritas and Aequitas tattood on each wrist, they mean Truth and Justice, and some flames above the words. And finally I have a flaming heart with horns on my right shoulder with the name Ãsgeir written in it (my brother and my uncle/best friend who are both dead). I'm a satanist as well as gothic. And if you think I worship the devil or deamons, to hell with you.
Well enough about that, you can see some of the music I like just below here, also check out the geektest and the survey (in the blogs) to know more about me if still interested.